J6 Defendant Luke Coffee enjoys the sociable atmosphere after the Stop the Steal Rally shortly before the events of Jan. 6 unfolded.
“When we got there, it was a big party.”
“It was a great American tailgate party meets a revival.”
“I went to gather one last time and see all of that Americana.”
Eyewitnesses on Jan. 6 recall a fun, eclectic, and unified atmosphere after the Stop the Steal rally. Defendant Luke Coffee went to Washington, DC as a documentary filmmaker and created clips to catch these moments.
The video from Luke below shows people dancing, posing for selfies, and showing off unusual artwork and fashion between timestamps 7:49-10:55.
You will see Chinese immigrants sharing messages about human rights violations in their homeland. Many expressed the belief these atrocities could creep into American society.
People lingered like this for hours, and some stayed here the entire day.
This clip below shows J6 defendant Jeremy Brown– whose status hearing occurs this Thursday -explaining his purpose at the event:
Man in Crowd: “So are you like militia guys?”
Jeremy Brown: “Oathkeepers. Oathkeepers are former military, former law enforcement, or regular citizens that just believe in upholding their oath.”
Second Man in Crowd: “So you are guys are supporting Trump and the Constitution?”
Jeremy Brown: “Well, we support the Constitution. Whoever follows it, and right now there’s only one”.
Second Man in Crowd: “Awesome.”
Eyewitnesses describe how this peaceful atmosphere carried over as people walked to the West Side of the Capitol. A crowd of thousands-described around the median age of 60-sang the Star Spangled Banner. You can see and hear this crowd chant “We-The People” peacefully below:
These nonviolent citizens were later tear-gassed and shot with rubber bullets unexpectedly by police. The crowd became angry watching others who were unable to breathe and move out of the way safely.
“The people who acted most violently on Jan. 6 were Capitol and DC Metro police,” says journalist Julie Kelly of American Greatness, speaking below in timestamp 1:01:01-1:02:21 of The Epoch Times’ “The Real Story of January 6.”
“People don’t want to hear that.”
A recent Select Litigation study shows 72% of jury-eligible DC citizens perceived Jan. 6th defendants were “trying to overthrow the government.”
62% thought these individuals were “criminals.”
However, Coffee’s videos do not suggest this is the case.
In comparison, an antifa network sectioned off six blocks in downtown Seattle on June 2020, stating an intent to overthrow the U.S. government. Journalist Andy Ngo observed how the group “occupied an area where they said America ceased to exist.”
“The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, or CHAZ, had its own declared territorial borders and private militia on guard.”
This went on for over two weeks. Five people were killed before Seattle police finally arrested a small group of protesters who refused to disperse., In contrast to Jan. 6, this event received little media attention.
Originally Published AmericanGulag.org