*Guest post by Olivia Wolfe
Living in a cage lined by rat droppings and gagged by the stench of urine, Barry Ramey has been focused more on surviving death threats from known gang members than preparing for his February 21st trial in front of a jury of Trump-deranged DC democrats.
Ramey, a legally innocent pretrial detainee, was slashed with a knife across his face by a convicted criminal that he is housed with in the Northern Neck Regional Jail. Ramey has not been convicted of any crimes.
Barry Ramey was slashed with a knife in general population at Northern Neck Regional Jail. He has not been convicted of a crime.
Barry is among two dozen January 6ers being held at the Virginia facility, now mixed into the general population with convicted killers and rapists. Many have been moved there from DC Gitmo in the recent months.
When the jail did nothing about the incident, Barry went to the local paper. Upon finding this out, the jail suspended his communication privileges through Christmas.
His pretrial detention has been a 240 day nightmare.
Barry Ramey as a free man before his detainment by the Biden Regime.
At the time of his arrest, Barry did not know if he would see his ailing mother again when she was taken in for emergency brain surgery following a cancer diagnosis.
Although he did not cause any property damage at the Capitol, enter the Capitol, or physically touch any officers that day, Barry has been subjected to prolonged isolation, unsanitary roach-infested cell conditions, and inedible slop for food while forced to waive his speedy trial rights and legally presumed innocence.
At one point, Barry was subject to more than 80 hours of confinement in the same cell, indefinitely lit by glaring fluorescent observation lights.
Barry Ramey before his detainment by the Biden Regime.
An excerpt from a letter he wrote to The Gateway Pundit reads as follows:
“My toes are going numb and I can’t get the Doctor to do anything for me. I may be becoming a Diabetic. I cannot comment on the facility where I’m at now in fear of repercussions. Although, I will say that receiving proper medical attention is next to impossible. It’s probably easier to pull teeth from a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Recently, I have found out that my mother had a brain tumor and needed emergency surgery. Lately, I lay awake praying to the Lord, trying to hide my tears from other inmates, wondering if I will be able to see my beloved mother alive before this is all over. I hurt deep inside for her. I’m so grateful for my loving fiancé, that I know God put in my life. When Adam was lonely, God did not give him 10 friends, but one woman.
The first time in my life I’ve had a broken heart was hearing the false narrative on why I went to the Capitol and the things people said about me.
I’m praying with all my might that this situation does not cost me the last time I get to hold and hug my mother.”
Barry Ramey living his life with his fiancee before his detainment by the Biden Regime.
There is no constitutional basis for the widespread pre-trial detention of citizens like those that prosecutors have come after in January 6th cases. This kind of punishment does nothing more than exacerbate the suffering of political foes and destroy lives.
For Barry, the days get darker as his legal fees mount and the day of his trial in front of a DC jury approaches.
Listen to his letter to America at the DC jail vigil, held every night by Ashli Babbitt’s mother Micki, below:
Read Barry’s full letter about the FBI raid, horrific jail conditions, and the realities of a broken justice system here:
Dear America,
I remember thinking “That looks like a flash bang” as the small metal canister rolled closer to my feet. BOOM! Yep, that was a flash bang. “Hands in the air! FBI! Put your hands up m*therf*cker!” said about 6 voices at once. Three cars had shown up out of thin air and I stood in my complex parking lot at around 6:30am with multiple AR 15’s pointing at my head & chest. “Drop everything you have” one agent yelled aloud. And that I did. “Keep still or we will shoot!” They did not appear to be messing around. “Lift up your shirt and slowly turn around” they said. I remember thinking, “S**t, this is where I get shot”. I had my concealed carry permit and my 9mm was on my waist, as always.
My home state of Florida still believes in the Constitution, so carrying this was legal. I was just hoping that one of the many large rifles pointed at me did not disagree. “HE’S GOT A GUN”, yells an agent. And that was the moment I learned that the expression “scared the crap out of me” was not just a cliché. “If you reach for it I will shoot you dead!” one agent snapped. “I would never do that”, I responded, as an agent came up to 3 inches from my face with his rifle pointed at me to retrieve it. Glad that part was over! I was placed into handcuffs with my hands behind my back. The agent made sure to put them on extra tight.
The energy started to calm down when the “Special Agent” came up to greet himself. “D*mn man, you could have just called me and I would have come out and put the cuffs on myself”, I said to him. He calmly said, “It’s not my choice how these things happen”. I said, “Look, my fiancé is in there asleep with our little Chihuahua, please don’t kick in the door and shoot my dog”. With what I’ve been reading on the internet about these things, that was not farfetched. “We won’t be doing that” he said. “I’m only here for you and your phone.” That was odd to me since I know that they brought so many men plus armored vehicles and turned peoples’ lives upside down in other January 6th cases. “Would you mind unlocking your phone for me?” he asked. I politely responded that I have a lawyer and would not agree to do so. He responded that he was aware I had representation and the matter was done. With the handcuffs officially cutting off my circulation and my hands going numb, I was placed in the back of an awaiting car with two agents. We were heading to the downtown jail.
What terrible conditions! The Broward County Main Jail was horrible. The urine smell was so bad it gagged me walking through. I was given a mask and put in a cell. The toilet was filled with human feces and would not flush. I had court the next day and between the light in the cell that never goes off and the smell of the toilet, plus the smell of the homeless transient that slept underneath my bunk, who was detoxing, I was not able to sleep a wink.
The Marshalls came and shackled me up with chains and loaded me back in a van to go to court. The handcuff marks and bruises from the day before still hurt. My lawyer met with me in a small caged room and informed me we were going to request a week’s continuance so we can learn what the Prosecution was going to do. And that we did.
I was taken back to the main jail where the next day I was brought to another Broward County Facility. No books, no visits, the worst inedible food I’ve ever seen (I don’t have high standards in that department), lights always on in the cell, locked in all day except 3 hours and A/C at a constant 60 degrees. Let’s just say it was miserable.
I realized after 4 days that I had not eaten a thing. Not that the spoiled eggs & oatmeal-like substance slop wasn’t enough, it’s that my stress levels would not allow me to eat or do my “duties” on the “royal throne”. In fact, 7 days would go by until that would change.
Well, it was time for my pre-trial release hearing and my attorneys thought we had a good chance since I have no criminal record and I had over a year to run, if I was going to do so. Well, they thought wrong. The Prosecution would paint a very dark and untrue picture of me for the Judge that my, at the time, attorney’ s seemed unable to combat. Between the show from the prosecution and my attorney’s mediocre performance, I was denied bail and ordered to be extradited to the DC area.
I was taken to the Federal Detention Facility in downtown Miami, where I would spend 22 hours a day in a cell. No books, no visits and very dirty, unsanitary conditions. 11 days later I would be destined for a Penitentiary in Atlanta with a quick stop in Tallahassee, Florida.
Atlanta was very scary pulling up. Outside, it looked like it was built in the medieval era.
It was indeed a U.S. Penitentiary. I was given a cell, and there I would remain for 22 hours a day. The first time I was allowed out, I would realize this place was controlled by the Bloods gang. “Great”, I thought. “This is not going to work out well, given main stream media was constantly calling all January 6er’s racists.” With 15 minute increments and 2 hours time with 35+ people trying to use it, a phone call to my fiancé seemed like a long shot. And that’s when they all came. About 10 members of the Bloods gang were making a beeline for me. “Wonderful”, I thought.
“You a J6er?”, one voice said as he extended his hand for a fist bump. I responded “I am” as my knuckles touched his.
“My name is QJ”, he said.
“Barry”, I replied.
“We like you guys,” he said.
Within a day, I heard the 2nd in command at the jail, who was under the warden, had a price on his head by a Mexican gang. This was no place for decent men. Mid-week we went on lockdown for 80+ hours on suspicion there were knives being made. There were flies everywhere. At times, roaches and rat droppings lined the wall. I was told the regular commissary list was not approved for me and was given a short list that consisted of coffee and toiletries. At every facility I’ve been in thus far, and this was no exception, I’ve been forced to drink the water out of the sink in my cell, baring either a metallic or chlorine taste to it, fresh from the archaic pipe system. So much for being innocent until proven guilty.
After 14 days of hell, I was on to my next destination. I was once again handcuffed and shackled and loaded on to a plane with at least a hundred other inmates. We landed in Oklahoma, where I was informed I was going to Grady County Jail for a holdover. I was taken in and put in a locked open dorm with 45 other guys, 2 toilets and 2 phones. The conditions again were rough, to say the least. The food was terrible. Two bologna sandwiches every single night for dinner. I would be there for another 2 weeks. No visits, no books, have not felt the sun touch my skin as of yet.
After the holdover, I was handcuffed and shackled again and loaded on a plane. We landed and I was informed I was going to Virginia. After a 4.5 hour bus ride with no air-conditioning, I would arrive at Northern Neck Regional Jail in Warsaw, Virginia where I remain today.
The experience here has been tolerable and hard all in one basket. We must pay for everything. Toothbrush, decent food, medical attention. My toes are going numb and I can’t get the Doctor to do anything for me. I may be becoming a Diabetic. I cannot comment on the facility where I’m at now in fear of repercussions. Although, I will say that receiving proper medical attention is next to impossible. It’s probably easier to pull teeth from a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Recently, I have found out that my mother had a brain tumor and needed emergency surgery. Lately, I lay awake praying to the Lord, trying to hide my tears from other inmates, wondering if I will be able to see my beloved mother alive before this is all over. I hurt deep inside for her. I’m so grateful for my loving fiancé, that I know God put in my life. When Adam was lonely, God did not give him 10 friends, but one woman.
The first time in my life I’ve had a broken heart was hearing the false narrative on why I went to the capital and the things people said about me. I have hired good legal defense here in Virginia and I pray every day that good things will happen to change the course of my pending case. I pray for all of us and I’m praying with all my might that this situation does not cost me the last time I get to hold and hug my mother. God Bless the USA!
Barry RameyPrisoner #51568Northern Neck Regional Jail
Barry Ramey and his dog before his detainment by the Biden Regime.
You can follow Barry’s trip through this nightmare on Truth Social at @osprey_sensei