Luxury fashion brand Balenciaga is under fire again after the child pornography scandal brought to light to company’s obsession with satanic rituals and pedophilia, including the disturbing posts of the company’s stylist.
Lotta Volkova, a stylist and consultant born in Russia, has been instrumental to the creative visions of Vetements, Sies Marjan, and the controversial Balenciaga.
Volkova’s Instagram page has been getting a lot of attention in the wake of the recent Balenciaga campaign controversy.
Volkova’s sick obsession with evil, Satan, and child mutilation was exposed by internet sleuths.
Some of the screenshots from her now-private Instagram account are shown below.
Research conducted by Twitter user @curiouslight about Lotta Volkova and her connections reveals some dark and disturbing facts.
Read below:
Who is Balenciaga’s Stylist Lotta Volkova? by Jim Hoft on Scribd