Aline Abboud (right) in Teheran 2019; she now hosts Germany’s flagship state news program
Donald Trump famously demanded America’s NATO allies contribute their fair share to their NATO defense, announcing he would pull US troops out of Germany, which still refuses to fulfill its NATO commitments. The Biden Regime has gone back on Trump’s threats, agreeing to leave troops in Germany. As German media become increasingly infiltrated by Islamist agents, however, the United States needs to take a long hard look at how reliable its purported “allies” in Germany and Europe can still be considered.
Previously, Gateway Pundit revealed how the European Union spent €36.5 million ($41.3 million) on NGOs with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, and lets Open Society and MB-related NGOs call counter-terrorism efforts “racist” with EU funding. The current edition of French magazine Marianne details how this EU funding of Muslim Brotherhood NGOs continues.
In Germany, Islamist activists are also infiltrating the media, especially public broadcasters, where a “diversity” agenda blinds higher-ups to the latent anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism harbored by these new hires. In September, YouTuber Irfan Peci revealed how public broadcaster ARD hired Nemi El-Hassan, who has a long history of Islamist ties and attended the Hezbollah-sponsored anti-Israel “Al Quds” march in 2014 (Gateway reported).
This week, leftist newspaper Süddeutsche revealed how the Arab department of Deutsche Welle apparently has a number of staffers who made anti-Semitic and anti-Israel posts. The DW Beirut correspondent twittered in 2014: “Anyone who deals with the Israelis is a collaborator, every recruit in their army is a traitor and must be executed.”
Other DW editorial staff referred to the Holocaust as “an artificial project” and “a lie #FreedomofSpeech”. Deutsche Welle is the German equivalent of “Voice of America”, a worldwide multi-language program, and is funded straight out of the budget of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s office, with €390 million ($441 million) in 2021. It falls under the administration of Culture Secretary Monika Grütters, a close confidante of Angela Merkel, who in 2016 referred to the Holocaust memorial in Berlin as a “Monument of Shame.”
In August, the flagship ARD news program “Tagesthemen” hired German-Lebanese Aline Abboud as one of its anchors, who traveled to Iran in 2019 and posed before a “Down with USA” mural at the US Embassy in Teheran, which was stormed by Revolutionary Guards in 1979. 52 US hostages were held for 444 days, which Abboud seemed to endorse with her photo.
Abboud’s father is a Lebanese photographer who fled to Communist East Germany in 1982, presumably with the blessings of the Stasi. Abboud was born in 1988 and witnessed the Israeli invasion of Lebanon 2006 on vacation, “which may explain her hatred of the USA and Israel,” YouTuber Henryk Stöckl writes. “Soon thereafter, she decided to become a journalist, to foster a more positive image of Islam.”
Abboud graduated in Arabic Studies from University of Leipzig 2013 and became Reuters correspondent in Gaza and Ramallah 2016, where she presumably needed the blessings of Hamas and Fatah to operate. In 2018, during the Hamas-orchestrated Storm on the Gaza-Israel border, Abboud twittered: “Journalist killed in Gaza: Where’s the outcry?”
She was referring to Yasser Mutaja, a “photographer” wo was shot by an Israeli Army sniper during the attack on the border. Israeli security sources called Murtaja “a longtime member of the Hamas security apparatus who tried to bring a drone into Gaza for intelligence gathering purposes.” Murtaja’s final footage shows quite clearly that he was not just a “journalist”, but was operating a drone at the border and using it to film Israeli Army positions and a Merkava tank. It was not clear why Abboud did not explain this in her tweet.
German ARD public TV frequently quotes “experts” related to Open Society NGOs, and employs German-Iranian Natalie Amiri as Iran expert, who also hosts events sponsored by Open Society in Berlin. Aline Abboud is the first nightly news host who is an active board member in a Soros-related NGO, serving on the board of the Candid Foundation, which was formed out of merger of US NGOs Foundation Center and GuideStar. in 2017, Foundation Center received $900,000 from Open Society for “general support.” GuideStar “was criticized for partnering with the left-of-center and highly controversial Southern Poverty Law Center to designate various right-leaning advocacy groups as “hate groups”, writes InfluenceWatch.
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