Horror! Macron Police Hurl Tear Gas at Customers Inside Paris Cafe — Chase Hundreds of Freedom Protesters Down the Street (VIDEO)

Another Saturday in Paris.
Freedom protesters were expected to converge on Paris on Saturday to protest against the Macron government’s tyrannical vaccine mandates in the country.

Thousands of truckers and tractors were expected to arrive in Paris this weekend from several cities across France.

But Macron had other plans.
The French president cracked down on the protests — beat protesters, fired tear gas inside of restaurants and chased demonstrators down the street.

Police today hurled tear gas inside a Paris cafe filling the establishment in smoke.

TRENDING: NEW FOOTAGE Shows Trained, Plainclothes Operatives Coordinating Break-In Through Capitol Window on January 6 (VIDEO)

Police chased freedom protesters down the street.

These scenes are crazy.

Another cafe gets gassed.

They’re also towing vehicles in Paris.

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