Now we know without a doubt that Robbie Mook, Hillary’s Campaign Manager, can in no way be trusted.
Mook was the first one out in July 2016 claiming that Russia had stolen DNC’s emails and gave them to WikiLeaks. This was a lie. We knew it then and we know it now.
Mook Spooked: Hillary Campaign Manager Claims Russians Hacked Into DNC to Help Trump (VIDEO)
In early November 2017 he changed his tune, Mook stated that he didn’t know that Hillary’s campaign paid for the Russian dossier. Then by the end of 2017, it was clear that the Democrats interfered in the 2016 election. At that point, Mook wanted to move on. No sense in focusing on the past. Let’s let bygones be bygones.
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This morning (Friday) under oath Mook admitted that Hillary gave her blessing on the dissemination of bogus Trump-Russia Alpha Bank accusations given to the media. As reported earlier at the TGP:
Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign manager Robby Mook on Friday testified that Hillary personally approved of the dissemination of the bogus Trump-Russia Alfa Bank accusations to the media.
“I discussed it with Hillary as well,” Mook said in court on Friday.
“I don’t remember the substance of the conversation, but notionally, the discussion was, hey, we have this and we want to share it with a reporter,” Mook testified.
This is not someone to be trusted – ever.