The Kentucky Supreme Court recently ruled on a cellphone geo-tracking case. Police used realtime cellphone geo-tracking information to locate an alleged robber. The police then made an arrest based on the information they were able to gather from the suspect’s cellphone.
Police and advertisers use geo-tracking all the time. The FBI used geo-tracking before and after January 6 to identify Trump supporters who were at or near the US Capitol on January 6th.
But last week Bill Barr scoffed at the idea and laughed out loud about this technology used in “2000 Mules” to identify battleground state Democrat ballot traffickers. Either Barr is ill-informed on the use of this technology or he was deliberately misleading the sham January 6 Committee.
Barr was captured on video stating, “The election was not stolen by fraud. And I haven’t seen anything since the election that changes my mind on that, including the ‘2000 Mules’ movie.”
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Barr talks about the cell phone evidence. Apparently, Bill Barr was not informed about the traffickers. Most of the traffickers were working night hours when the rest of the public was asleep. As you would expect, it is much easier to track phones at a time of day when there is less street traffic.
Bill Barr either had no idea what he was talking about or was deliberately misleading the sham committee.
There is much more voter fraud evidence from the 2020 election emerging.
Patriot Joe Brandis, who has been investigating Michigan voter fraud since the 2020 election with Michigan Citizens for Election Integrity and his team continues to discover more and more footage of ballot traffickers dumping multiple ballots into the Detroit drop boxes in the runup of the 2020 election.
In a previous report, wireless services CEO destroyed ignorant attacks by fake fact-checkers on the facts presented in “2000 Mules.”
The Gateway Pundit spoke to Volta Wireless founder David Sinclair.
Volta Wireless provides software and services to stop network operators from tracking your location, identity, communications, internet activity, and more.
Volta Wireless protects users from being geo-tracked by the government, wireless companies, or the tech giants.
Mr. Sinclair told TGP, My business is focused on empowering people to stop letting tech companies, mobile operators, and by extension, government agencies use their mobile phones to track their every move. By the end of this month, we’ll start shipping our own phone, which will not be using a Google-based Android or an Apple iOS operating system. It’ll be using our own Volt OS so that the operating system providers will no longer be able to use your mobile phone to track your activity.”
As far as the facts presented in “2000 Mules” Sinclair had this to say, “I’ve seen the movie. I’ve read the rebuttals put out by AP and others. And unlike the media companies that have published rebuttals, I’ve actually talked with Gregg to better understand the details of the data and the methodology they used.”
“A lot of the fact-checkers, it’s clear, don’t have the technical foundation for the comments that they are making. They are making statements like ‘experts say that the location data you get from a mobile phone is going to be plus or minus 100 feet’. While that may have been true at some point, that’s really not true today at all. It’s down to being within a few feet… And these phones are using GPS locations. They’re also using location triangulation with the towers,” Sinclair added.
Triangulation is a technology that has been used for a long time to be able to determine the location of something else. You get something at one point that tracks where something is located, and you get something at another point to track where that same thing is located. And when you combine that information, you can figure out exactly where that thing is located, within a few feet. That’s all tower triangulation is.
According to Sinclair, the technology is continuously improving.
“The quality of the antennas and phones have just dramatically improved in the last few years. We have a lot of subscribers for our service who will have a three or four-year-old phone. And their signal quality is at one level. And they purchase a new phone, and suddenly their signal quality is dramatically improved because the quality of the antenna is improved. And the same thing is happening with cameras. The same thing is happening with all the technologies built into mobile phones. And location tracking is just another piece of that puzzle.”
The government is using geo-tracking to keep tabs on the hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants entering the country today. It used to be when INS released people into the country who were illegal immigrants, they would put an ankle monitor on them so they could track their location. They have stopped doing that. Instead, they give them a cellphone. And they use that to track their location.
Now, what they’ve discovered is a lot of the immigrants are throwing the phones away because they understand that it’s being used to track their location. But the government itself recognizes how valid using mobile phone data to track people’s location is.
From our discussion with David Sinclair, it is clear that AP and Politifact need better writers and better arguments. Once again, these fake fact-checkers are pushing completely inaccurate arguments to refute a conservative position. And the mainstream media echoes these shallow arguments. What a scam.
Here is the AP report on this week’s Kentucky Supreme Court ruling.
The AP reported:
A sharply divided Kentucky Supreme Court ruled Thursday that police violated a robbery suspect’s constitutional protections by accessing his cellphone without a warrant, calling use of the phone as a tracking device “profoundly invasive.”
In the 4-3 decision, the court’s majority said the robbery suspect was subjected to a warrantless search when police obtained his real-time cellphone location information. They ruled that the information was illegally acquired and should be excluded from evidence.
At issue was whether there’s a “reasonable expectation of privacy” regarding a person’s real-time cell-site location information, also known as CSLI, under federal Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures. Such information can be used to determine a cellphone’s location with “near perfect accuracy” when the phone is powered on, the court noted.
“In obtaining an individual’s cell phone’s real-time CSLI, police commandeer the cell phone and its transmissions for the purpose of locating that individual,” Chief Justice John D. Minton Jr. said in writing for the majority. “We find this usurpation of an individual’s private property profoundly invasive, and we liken it to a technological trespass.”