Dr. Fauci, Director of NIAID, on June 30th, 2020. Dr. Collins, Director of NIH, photo from 2011.
A trove of documents that were uncovered by a recent Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request reveals the National Institutes of Health (NIH) secretly deleted information about the genetic sequencing of the Covid-19 virus in the summer of 2020.
No surprise, former NIH director Francis Collins and NIAID Director Tony Fauci were front and center with this cover-up too.
According to Just the News — the now-deleted data was provided to the NIH by researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in March 2020, but was deleted shortly after it was received at the request of the Communist Chinese Party (CCP) aligned lab.
After an initial pushback by the NIH, the files were completely deleted in the middle of June.
From EO:
The emails obtained by the Empower Oversight group show a Wuhan University researcher submitted virus sequence information to the NIH’s Sequence Read Archive in March 2020 – the same month the World Health Organization declared a pandemic and about two months after the virus was detected in Wuhan.
The scientist made an additional submission on the virus in June 2020, according to the emails. Later that day, he asked the NIH to retract the submission, claiming it was made in error.
The NIH responded by saying it preferred to edit or replace submissions over replacing them.
A few days later, the researcher submitted another request to withdraw the genetic sequence from the NIH database, according to the emails.
The NIH agreed to the researcher’s request one day later, and asked for clarification on whether another submission should be deleted.
“I had withdrawn everything,” an unnamed NIH official said to the Wuhan researcher in an email.
Here is a copy of the documents via Just the News and Empower Oversight.
Additionally, a separate batch of emails recovered by EO indicated that the genetic sequencing data “seemed to support” claims that the virus was man-made and was originated from the extremely-dangerous Gain of Function research that was taking place at the Wuhan institute.
According to one email sent by Professor Trevor Bedford of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, who works closely with Fauci, Collins, and the NIH explained the deleted sequencing data likely indicated that the virus originated outside the Hunan Market in Wuhan and that the “matter must be analyzed properly. But, despite communicating his concerns, it seems like the issue was never even looked into by the agency – in fact, it’s quite the contrary. The Public Health Regime has covered up any notion that this virus was created in a lab.
The newly uncovered documents further reveal that Fauci and Collins were specifically made aware of the genetic sequencing data that was eventually deleted. In one exchange with another member of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, virologist Jesse Bloom, the NIH and NIAID directors were “alerted” about the takedown and concerns over the contents of the data, prompting them to host an emergency Zoom meeting with NIH staff and affiliates.
From Just the News:
“The documents also show an expert advised then-NIH Director Francis Collins and Dr. Anthony Fauci, who leads the agency’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, that COVID originated outside of the Wuhan food market, as the Chinese government has claimed.”
Keep in mind, this genetic sequencing data for the virus was provided to US Public Health officials in the earliest stages of the pandemic when absolutely nothing was widely known about it. Not only would the information have likely helped save lives but the data would have exposed the corrupt scheme behind the pandemic much earlier if it truly did confirm the lab leak theory – Hence why Fauci, Collins, and the NIH kept quiet and pulled the info down.