Dr. Joseph Ladapo
Florida’s state surgeon general, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, issued a new health warning on Wednesday on the increased risk of adverse reactions associated with the mRNA COVID vaccines.
Back in October 2022, Dr. Ladapo released a shocking report saying that there was an 84% increase in cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination. That is a huge number!
Due to the alarming number, Dr. Ladapo recommended that young males ages 18 to 39 refrain from taking the COVID vaccine.
On Wednesday, Dr. Ladapo issued another health alert on mRNA COVID-19 vaccine safety based on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data, which showed a significant increase in adverse events in Florida following the rollout of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.
Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA, who gained an enormous following for his concerns regarding the safety and bioethics of the COVID-19 genetic vaccines, shared the new warning from Florida’s surgeon general on his Substack.
“In Florida alone, there was a 1,700% increase in VAERS reports after the release of the COVID-19 vaccine, compared to an increase of 400% in overall vaccine administration for the same time period (See figure below),” according to the release.
“The reporting of life-threatening conditions increased over 4,400%. This is a novel increase and was not seen during the 2009 H1N1 vaccination campaign. There is a need for additional unbiased research to better understand the COVID-19 vaccines’ short- and long-term effects.”
“Florida saw a 1,700% increase in adverse event reports after COVID-19 vaccinations. Does that sound safe and effective? I didn’t think so either. That’s why we released this health alert. Just because “correlation ≠ causation” doesn’t mean we should abandon common sense,” Dr. Ladapo wrote.
The Florida findings are consistent with those found by other research, which continue to identify similar risks.
According to a study, Fraiman J et al, Vaccine. 2022, mRNA COVID-19 vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious adverse events, including coagulation disorders, acute cardiac injuries, Bell’s palsy, and encephalitis. This risk was 1 in 550 individuals, which is much higher than other vaccines.
A second study, Sun CLF et al, Sci Rep. 2022, found increased acute cardiac arrests and other acute cardiac events following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination.
Additionally, Dag Berild J et al, JAMA Netw Open. 2022, assessed the risk of thromboembolic and thrombocytopenic events related to COVID-19 vaccines and found preliminary evidence of increased risk of both coronary disease and cardiovascular disease.
The Surgeon General sent a letter to the FDA Commissioner Robert Calif and CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, describing the dangers of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and emphasizing the need for more transparency in order to do a thorough evaluation.
Read the letter below:
The COVID-19 pandemic brought many challenges that the health and medical field have never encountered. Although the initial response was led by a sense of urgency and crisis management, I believe it is critical that as public health professionals, responses are adapted to the present to chart a future guided by data and common sense.
As Florida’s Surgeon General, it was in the public’s best interest to issue guidance for using mRNA COVlD-19 vaccines in children and in young men based on the absence of a health benefit in clinical trials. This guidance followed preliminary data analyses by the Florida Department of Health. We continue to refine and expand these findings, including addressing methodological issues inherent to evaluating vaccine safety and efficacy.
In addition to Florida’s analysis of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, academic researchers throughout our country and around the globe have seen troubling safety signals of adverse events surrounding this vaccine. Their concerns are corroborated by the substantial increase in VAERS reports from Florida, including life-threatening conditions. We have never seen this type of response following previous mass vaccination efforts pushed by the federal government. Even the HI NI vaccine did not trigger this sort of response. In Florida alone, we saw a 1,700% increase in reports after the release of the COVID-I9 vaccine, compared to an increase of 400% in vaccine administration for the same period. The reporting of lifethreatening conditions increased 4,400%.
This increase in adverse events, compared to the percent increase in vaccine use, further explains the significant uptick we are seeing in VAERS reports. These findings are unlikely to be related to changes in reporting given their magnitude, and more likely reflect a pattern of increased risk from mRNA COVlD-19 vaccines. We need unbiased research, as many in the academic community have performed, to better understand these vaccines’ short- and longterm effects.
According to a recent study, mRNA COVID-1 9 vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious adverse events, including coagulation disorders, acute cardiac injuries, Bell’s palsy, and encephalitis, to name a few. This risk was I in 550, much higher than other vaccines. To claim these vaccines are “safe and effective” while minimizing and disregarding the adverse events is unconscionable.
Communication between physicians and patients is a standard ethical practice that is fundamental to public health. Health care professionals should have the ability to accurately communicate the risks and benefits of a medical intervention to their patients without fear of retaliation by the federal government.
The State of Florida remains dedicated to responding to COVID-I9 and other public health concerns through data-driven decisions. We will continue to shed light on the safety and efficacy of medications, including mRNA COVID-I9 vaccines, that could be an imminent threat to those with preexisting conditions. We will also promote the importance of prevention by supporting good nutrition, exercise, and other healthy habits. As a father, physician, and Surgeon General for the State of Florida, I request that your agencies promote transparency in health care professionals to accurately communicate the risks these vaccines pose. I request that you work to protect the rights and liberties that we are endowed with, not restrict, and diminish them. I look forward to your responses and appreciate your support of our collective efforts to serve the health and safety of Florida and our nation.