Back in January, The Gateway Pundit published a report on Governor Brian Kemp and Georgia Bureau of Investigations Director Vic Reynolds and their underhanded attacks on election integrity group True the Vote.
Last week True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht told Charlie Kirk that Governor Kemp thwarted their investigation into the massive Georgia ballot trafficking scandal. Kemp and GBI Director not only neglected to hold a serious investigation into this massive and coordinated election fraud scandal but they released confidential information to the media instead.
Why would Brian Kemp and Vic Reynolds do such a thing?
True the Vote later send a letter to Kemp threatening legal action.
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In January The Gateway Pundit reported a bombshell report where True the Vote released evidence that identified 279 people who were illegally stuffing drop boxes in Georgia before the 2020 Election. What was left unreported is Governor Kemp’s responses to this information.
We first reported on this story months ago, and then on January 4th GP reported that True the Vote has data, witnesses, and video evidence of election fraudsters in Georgia participating in what appears to be a ‘Ballot Trafficking’ operation before the 2020 Election.
True the Vote shared its information with Georgia’s Governor Kemp and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) back in April 2021. Months later in September 2021, True the vote received a response from Governor Kemp’s appointee at the GBI, minimizing the evidence provided and providing their decision not to perform any investigation into the ballot trafficking operation.
Response to True the Vote from Governor Kemp and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation:
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The GBI also at that time provided the same response to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. In doing so, Kemp’s GBI released private and sensitive information on the operation to the press.
In response, the Bopp Law Firm and True the Vote, responded to Georgia Governor Kemp’s response in October 2021. Kemp’s GBI shared information provided by True the Vote to the press that was not forthright. As the letter below notes, the GBI provided confidential information to the press. They omitted evidence True the Vote provided as well as more information provided since April.
True the Vote notes that they withheld names of individuals from Kemp and the GBI because they were afraid they would be leaked. Sure enough, the GBI leaked a slanted story to the garbage media proving True the Vote’s concerns were legit.
See True the Vote’s response to Kemp, Raffensperger and the GBI below.
page 2Governor Kemp and Secretary of State Raffensperger have never been interested in uncovering the massive election fraud in their state in the 2020 Election.
A real investigation would likely uncover why they are so terrified of uncovering the crimes and fraud in Georgia’s 2020 Election.