Never-before seen video of Rosanne Boyland moments before her death on January 6th shows she was peacefully protesting before the brutal assault by Capitol Hill Police.
*See newly uncovered video below.
The video shows the 34-year old from Georgia at the edge of the crowd near the West Capitol Steps. Only minutes after this video was taken Rosanne would be at the bottom of a ceiling-high human pile, fighting to breathe as she was doused by cops with chemical irritants that sucked the oxygen out of air. Anyone who tried to help her out was hit by cops or pepper sprayed.
According to a survivor, Philip Anderson, who was being crushed alongside her, Rosanne screamed for help and grabbed my hand. “She knew she was going to die,” Philip told The Gateway Pundit. Shortly later, her unconscious body was seen being beaten brutally by Metro Police Officer Lila Morris as Rosanne lay unconscious, unmoving. Rosanne is then seen with blue lips, white cheeks and dark blood dripping from her nose and eye.
See the video here of the last moments of Rosanne Boyland’s life before she met her fate:
In the video, Rosanne can be seen at the edge of the crowd in a black hoodie, an army fatigue backpack, her hair up in a messy ponytail and wearing white plastic American flag sunglasses. She cannot see the Capitol entryway and seems curious as to what is going on a few yards in front of her. Rosanne had no idea these would be the last moments of her life. She was an innocent woman standing outside the US Capitol, the People’s House.
See our Part 1 article from yesterday for background information on Rosanne’s death here:
January 6th, 2021. Four of us died that day. We all know about Ashli Babbitt- but there were three more. One of the others was Rosanne Boyland, and she was one of us. Thirty-four years old. An American citizen. A woman, a sister, a beloved aunt, a friend. A daughter, a Daddy’s girl. A recovered addict who dedicated her life to helping others fight their addictions. Fisherwoman, camper, an amateur chef. A first-time voter. A Trump Supporter. A hopeful human being who felt like her presence on January 6th was important – she came to Washington D.C. from Kenesaw, Georgia- marching and smiling… under the optimistic impression her voice would be heard.
Rosanne was wrong. She died a tragic death that day, and no one ever heard her voice. They killed her, just like they killed the spirits of so many others on January 6th.
Share this video everywhere:
The Government took away Rosanne’s voice. They tarnished her legacy by reporting she died of a drug overdose and then never spoke of her again. They pretend she never existed. JUST LIKE THEY ARE DOING TO US.
It has been two years- and STILL NO ONE KNOWS HER NAME. We at The Gateway Pundit broke Rosanne’s story over a year and a half ago and have been screaming it from the rooftops. WHEN WILL THE REST OF AMERICA, THE MEDIA AND THE POLITICIANS “SAY HER NAME”!
WHY IS THE GOVERNMENT AND MAINSTREAM MEDIA BURYING ROSANNE’S STORY? Make no mistake, they would do the same exact thing to you.
We cannot let the government and media continue to do this. We cannot let them rewrite OUR American history and bury the story of OUR fellow American Rosanne Boyland, who just wanted to be heard. If we do, it is only a matter of time before it happens to another one of us. It is time for Rosanne Boyland to be heard.
Rosanne Boyland walking happily towards the Capitol on January 6th to exercise her First Amendment Rights.
Rosanne was like every single one of us that walked that day for Election Integrity and President Trump. We walked together with others from around the country from every walk of life- from nuns, to construction workers, to podcasters to bartenders and veterans. Rosanne represented every single person in America that watched from afar and was inspired by the America First Movement, that believed they actually had a voice and the Government would hear it. Like so many that marched peacefully that day, Rosanne believed her presence at January 6th would make a difference. So did so many of us. Where we wrong? How can we make this right?
Never forget, this could have been any one of us. #RosanneBoyland
Please trend #RosanneBoyland on Twitter today.
Tag @ElonMusk
Share these videos and story every where. Show them to your sister and your co-workers. Ask them WHY they never heard about this woman after TWO YEARS and the tax dollars spent on the January 6th Committee. Why did we hear about 5 cops that NEVER DIED on January 6th but not this beautiful woman?
Post this article on Truth Social and tag President Trump. Ask your Representatives to investigate Rosanne Boyland’s death.
Rosanne Boyland loved to fish and be outdoors.
Rosanne’s story contradicts the Biden Regime’s entire fake January 6th narrative that is so necessary for them to keep in power.
The government has been covering up her death ever since January 6th when they told the whole world and media she died of a drug overdose. DISGUSTING LIARS! Final toxicology reports show Rosanne did not have a drop of drugs in her body besides her prescription Adderall and caffeine. The Government had refused to give her parents her autopsy report and they had to sue the Government to get the results to prove she did NOT DIE OF A DRUG OVERDOSE.
Witnesses say she way killed by the actions and violence of police on January 6th. Video corroborates this. Please see our full report HERE.
Rosanne’s death and subsequent cover-up is a slap in the face to ALL OF US. The way the government treats the death of Rosanne Boyland represents the way they think of all of us- that our lives and beliefs mean NOTHING.
Joe Biden never mentioned Rosanne on the anniversaries of January 6th, yet he mentions the FIVE police officers that NEVER died that day. What a slap in the face to the family of Rosanne Boyland and the rest of America that deserve to know the real story of January 6th.
The January 6th Committee was tasked with the serious job of finding out what really happened on January 6th YET THEY FORGOT TO MENTION THIS WOMAN WAS KILLED, ALLEGEDLY BY POLICE! They had this footage! They choose to hide it and deceive America.
Police continued to gas and push people on this pile while Rosanne was trapped at the very bottom.
Here is a first hand raw account of Rosanne’s last moments by J6 survivor Philip Anderson, who was never interviewed by the January 6th Unselect Committee. He was also seen on video unconscious at the bottom of the pile and witnessed Rosanne’s painful death:
“The Capitol police gassed us, causing us to not be able to breathe. We fell down. Then the Capitol Police beat and pushed more people on top of Rosanne Boyland and I until there was about 30 people directly on top of us. The police also drenched us with mace and other chemicals. We couldn’t breathe and we couldn’t see. I was air swapping with another person at the bottom of the pile. If it were not for that I would have suffocated to death or lost the strength to cover my head with my arm for so long while I could feel my leg breaking from the sheer pressure. I was slowly getting crushed to death. It was the most painful experience of my life. My arm was almost chopped off when I was in 1st grade but this experience was far worse even as an adult. I managed to get in a position where my head was covered by my arm and I was laying on my side so that I could air swap and not have this life crushing weight come down on my stomache or on my back while laying face down. Unfortunately Rosanne was not able to get into a position like the one I was in. She screamed at first but that quickly died out as the weight continued crushing her to death. She knew that she was going to die which is why she reached out and grabbed my hand instead of using her arm for some other purpose. She held on to my hand for a few seconds and then she let go. Even though she said nothing to me I was able to understand. I screamed at the top of my lungs for the Capitol police to stop. I screamed for them to stop killing us over and over. But they refused to listen. For minute after minute after minute they ignored my screams begging them to spare our lives. I stopped screaming for my life and accepted that I was going to die. I slowly begin drifting away but with not a second spare to Jake Lang and other Trump supporters managed to stop the Capitol police and drag my body away from the Capitol police to safety. The people that tried to help Rosanne and give her CPR were maced in the face and beaten over the head by police as a Capitol police officer bashed in Rosanne Boyland’s head with a baton. The blows from the baton themself were not the cause of Rosanne’s death by they stole away any hope of saving her life. It was the combination of being gassed, maced, slowly crushed to death for minutes while in a bad position, and merciless beating over the head and body while she lay there motionless and defenseless. The front line of police officers at the west Terrance tunnel including Lila Morris are all responsible for Rosanne Boyland’s death. The BLM loving cop that lied about being called the N-word, the creep with the spider web tattoo on his neck, and the absolute moron that said January 6th was more terrifying than his entire tour in Iraq are all responsible. They have been honored at the White House every time Joe Biden feels like demonizing half of the country by telling lies about January 6th as he points at the murderer Capitol police officers and calls them heroes.” -J6 Survivor Philip Anderson
Rosanne and Phillip Anderson were left unconscious together after the pileup caused by police cleared. Witnesses say the police attacked the protesters that fought to save their lives. Rosanne was beaten brutally by an officer with a stick as she lay on the ground. She did not survive.
A final word from Lonna Cave, the sister of Rosanne:
“Nothing has really changed in the past 2 years – the pain of losing Rosanne is still immense, we still have unanswered questions & some people still don’t know that more than 1 person died that horrific day. We would still like to see those who were behind J6 held responsible for their actions. It’s sad that some people have been in jail for almost 2 years & the planners/provocateurs are out free & will likely never spend any time behind bars.”
Rosanne with her sister Lonna and her nieces, who loved her very much. #RosanneBoyland SAY HER NAME
#RosanneBoyland SAY HER NAME! Take it to Twitter and trend Rosanne’s name today.
Remember, in the end GOD wins.
The author on Jan 6th.
Cara Castronuova is a co-Founder of C.A.P.P. Citizens Against Political Persecution (an organization that fights for the political prisoners of January 6th).
Cara is an Activist, Investigative Journalist, 2-Time Boxing Champion, Celebrity Fitness Trainer and Television Personality. You can watch her on Newsmax at 10PM EST every Saturday night and at 3PM EST on Sundays on “Wiseguys”. You can follow her on & Twitter or Instagram @CaraCastronuova. She is currently banned on Fakebook & suing them for defamation of character. You can contact her via the C.A.P.P. website at or if you have any tips or would like to volunteer.
“I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me.” Phil 4:13.