Michigan’s top law enforcement official, Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel, whose term expires in 2022 (not soon enough), was so drunk at the October 30 MSU-UM game that she had to be taken back to her vehicle in a wheelchair.![]()
100 Percent Fed Up reports – In 2018, a proposal to legalize marijuana appeared on the ballot in Michigan.
The proposal had the intended effect—it brought young voters to the polls in large numbers, helping to put the trio of Democrats: AG Dana Nessel, Governor Gretchen Whitmer, and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson into positions of power.
The proposal to legalize marijuana that appeared on the ballot in Michigan in 2018 was no accident.
Billionaire globalist and far-left activist George Soros has openly advocated for placing marijuana legalization proposals on ballots in multiple states where a strong turnout by young voters could swing the elections to the Democrats.
Yahoo News– The idea would be for Democrats to employ legalization as a wedge issue (a tactic that many observers think has succeeded for Republicans on issues like gay marriage) to drive 2012 voters to the polls, especially in crucial presidential-election swing states. Just such a strategy was advocated by Bill Maher on his HBO show Friday night. It would involve getting marijuana legalization initiatives onto ballots in multiple states where a strong turnout by young voters could swing the elections to the Democrats.
On October 30, Michigan State University’s football team defeated their number one rival, the University of Michigan. U of M alumna Dana Nessel joined Gretchen Whitmer, an MSU alumna, for a pre-party (tailgate) in the parking lot outside of the MSU stadium. Colleges typically reach out to students on game days to warn them against drinking too much alcohol. The University of Michigan probably didn’t think they had to send the same request to Dana Nessel, the state’s top law enforcement official.
Democrat AG Dana Nessel, who literally promoted her lack of a penis as a reason to vote for her in 2018, became so intoxicated at the MSU-UM game that she was removed from the stadium in a wheelchair.
Yesterday, the lawless MI attorney general made an “official statement” on her Facebook Page. The statement is a mix of primarily bad humor about her unprofessional behavior. Still, it fails to address the poor example she set for students as she sat hunched over in her seat inside the packed stadium. Instead, her statement is filled with more jokes about her behavior than remorse. The MI AG makes fun of her “terrible” bartending skills, about “vomiting” on her constituents and the “skull-crushing hangover” on the following day. When she’s almost finished making jokes about her embarrassing behavior, Nessel manages to do what Democrats do best— elicit emotion, as she uses the unfortunate death of her communications director as a distraction from her distasteful response to her public drunken stupor.
Nessel’s Facebook statement:
My staff has pleaded with me to hire a crisis-management PR firm for an incident that occurred on 10/30 at the UM/MSU football game. Instead, I thought I would just share the events which transpired that fateful day.
Before the big game, I attended a tailgate on an empty stomach. Much to my surprise, MSU tailgate’s tend to have more alcohol than food, so I thought it seemed like a good idea to eat 2 Bloody Mary’s, since as long as you put enough vegetables in them, it’s practically a salad. As it turned out, this was not a brilliant idea. Also, I might be a terrible bartender.
I proceeded to go to the game (which I’m told Michigan definitely won!) and started to feel ill. I laid low for a while, but my friends recommended that I leave so as to prevent me from vomiting on any of my constituents(polling consistently shows “Roman showers” to be unpopular among most demographics).
I had a few folks help me up the stairs and someone grabbed a wheelchair so as to prevent me from stumbling in the parking lot. Like all smart people attending festivities where drinking occurs, I had a designated driver. I went home, fell asleep on the couch, and my wife threw some blankets on me and provided me with some water and Tylenol for what she knew would be a skull-crushing hangover the next day. (Best wife ever!)
So there. That’s the scandalous tale of the events which transpired at Tailgate-Gate. (Also at some point it seemed like a good idea to make the governor take a picture with Ron Weiser. Sorry Governor!). Just so one doesn’t have to imagine what this scene might have looked like, I’ve attached this handy photo.
Ron Weiser (Center) is the MIGOP Chair. He was walking by a tailgate party in the parking lot of the stadium when AG Nessel asked him to pose for a photo with her and Gov Whitmer. AG Nessel called for his head last year when Weiser referred to Nessel, Whitmer and Benson at a private party as the “3 Witches.” Gov. Whitmer is left of Weiser and Nessel is on the right.
Normally I would ask my trusted friend and communications savant Kelly Rossman-McKinney for advice on how to best handle this crisis, but she died last night, so I can’t.
I am human. Sometimes I screw up. This was definitely one of those times. My apologies to the entire state of Michigan for this mishap, but especially that Michigan fan sitting behind me. Some things you can’t un-see.
From now on, I pledge never to drink on an empty stomach, and definitely never to have another Bloody Mary. Cause it’s gonna take a while to get that taste out of my mouth.
Sorry to all the people who have supported me for letting you down. I will try to do better.
“Try to do better?”
Perhaps the state of Michigan should ‘do better’ and replace this lawless buffoon in 2022.
The post DRUNK MI AG Dana Nessel Left MSU-UM Game In Wheelchair…Jokes About “Vomiting” On Constituents, “Skull crushing hangover” In Public Statement appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.