DNC Chair Agrees Democrats ‘Cannot Play Fair’ in 2022 Midterm Elections (VIDEO)

Democrat National Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison on Saturday appeared on MSNBC to discuss the Democrats’ strategy for the 2022 midterms.

MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross called Republicans “Fascists” as she wondered how the Democrat party can connect with more voters going into the midterms.

“Let’s talk about the Fascists on the other side. So I hear that, but I do think there are a lot of people, because you know, like we were just talking about, you and I — we consume, you know, 8 papers in the morning. We look at the minutia of politics and most Americans are not doing that and there are still a lot of people who feel disconnected from the party or maybe even disappointed in the party. Fair enough. I want you to take a listen. We had Roland Martin on at the beginning of the show–” Tiffany Cross said.

“Brother Rolo,” Harrison said.


Tiffany Cross replied, “Brother Rolo Is never shy about giving his opinion…. So he had a lot to say about what he thinks Democrats should be doing. I want you to take a listen to get your thoughts.”

“You’ve got to have President Joe Biden stop being scared of Senator Joe Manchin and go make the argument in West Virginia and go to the rand parts of Mississippi and Alabama and say, ‘this is what we have done and these folks voted against it and this is how we have delivered’ — They’ve got to be willing to engage in war. You cannot play fair with people who don’t play fair. There are no rules. The other side has shown that they will do whatever is necessary in order to win. So you’ve got to say, America, when they didn’t care about you, we did.” Roland Martin said.

“What are your thoughts? I felt like that was a good road map,” Tiffany Cross said after playing the clip.

“It is a good road map,” Harrison in agreement.


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