Disney Faces Challenges at Home and Abroad

Disney is facing some tough times at home and abroad. 

This past week Disney was dealt a blow when the state of Florida moved to remove Disney’s tax privilege and self-governing status.  This action came in response to Disney stepping into the political arena and standing with those who promote child pornography.

BREAKING: FL Gov.Ron DeSantis Signs Bill to Remove Disney’s Tax Privilege and Self-Governing Status — Disney Stocks Down 14% in One Month — Fitch Puts Stock on Negative Watch

These tax advantages and self-governing activities Disney enjoyed were up for debate after Disney stepped into the political arena and claimed that a recent bill put in place in Florida preventing child pornography in schools was somehow anti-gay.

TRENDING: BREAKING: SECOND EXCLUSIVE TRAILER Released for “2000 Mules” — Shows How the 2020 Election Was RIGGED AND STOLEN — VIDEO

“Paranoid Imagination” – Abigail Disney Attacks Parents Who Support Anti-Grooming Bills (VIDEO)

Meanwhile overseas in Hong Kong, Disney is finally opening up this week after a three-month shutdown at that location.  Revenues in Hong Kong are way down at the Disney resort since the beginning of COVID more than two years ago.

Breitbart reported:

The Associated Press (AP) reported that “enthusiastic visitors ran into Disneyland the moment the gates opened,” eager to return to what parents and children described as their favorite “happy place.”

Hong Kong Disney is not completely reopened yet. City officials are allowing theme parks to operate at half capacity, and visitors are urged to maintain social distancing practices. A few other popular attractions, such as the SeaWorld-like Ocean Park, have reopened under similar restrictions.

(On a personal note our family had a Disney membership in Hong Kong before COVID hit.  Below is Alyena outside the Disney castle in Hong Kong.)

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