“Did You Approve Hidden State Censorship in Direct Violation of the Constitution?” Elon Musk Calls Out Adam Schiff After Documents Reveal Schiff’s Office Was Emailing Twitter

Elon Musk on Tuesday called out Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff for conspiring with Twitter to censor American citizens.

“As (outgoing) Chair of House Intelligence, did you approve hidden state censorship in direct violation of the Constitution of the United States, Adam Schiff?” Elon Musk tweeted on Tuesday.

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The Twitter Files released on Sunday revealed Adam Schiff’s office was communicating with Twitter.

Schiff also threatened social media companies on Sunday.

“We’ve got a big problem right now with social media companies and their failure to moderate content and the explosion of hate on Twitter, the banning of journalists on Twitter. We can’t tell them what to say or not say, but we gave them immunity. We said If you’ll be responsible moderators of content, we will give you immunity.”


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