Deep State Operative Argues to Use Same Techniques Used Against Radical Islam to Take Down Conservative Americans

The Deep State is using disinformation (again) to push for attacks on Americans through illegal searches, intimidation, and arrests in an effort to legitimize what they already do now. 

Former Senior Intelligence Service officer at the CIA, Marc Polymeropoulos published a piece on Sunday calling for secret spying on Trump supporters, something that is already happening.  Just ask General Flynn or President Donald Trump.

FOX News reported this weekend:

Former Senior Intelligence Service officer at the CIA, Marc Polymeropoulos published a Sunday piece declaring that those techniques once used to fight radical Islam should be turned against the against the right-wing in America.

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Polymeropoulos’ piece for NBC News Think warned that propagandists, whether Islamic terrorists or Republicans, should be subject to counterterrorism and counterradicalization techniques.

“I worked in counterterrorism operations for nearly my entire career at the CIA before retiring in 2019. The battle we engaged in with international terrorist groups like Al Qaeda wasn’t just with their legions of foot soldiers but with their highly effective propaganda arms as well,” he wrote. “The U.S. and our allies considered those propagandists fundamental cogs in a terror group’s machinery, and just as culpable as any other terrorist. So we held them accountable when innocent civilians were killed.”

Polymeropoulos suggested that the attack of Paul Pelosi was evidence that the American government needs to take a firmer approach to its own citizenry…

…While he mentioned multiple right-wing politicians, he claimed that Democrats and the American left have “nothing equivalent being done on the other side of the aisle” as far as promoting violence against their political opposition. “Democratic politicians and leaders may not like Trump, but they don’t call for violence against him, let alone his execution,” he claimed.

This story is shocking until you realize that Polymeropoulos was one of the 51 Deep State hacks who signed a letter saying that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. 

This letter was published only days before the 2020 Election. It was disinformation as we all knew then.  The fake news later admitted that this was a lie.  The videos, pictures and records on Hunter’s laptop were disgusting, full of corruption and illegal activities with foreign governments, and they were NOT Russian disinformation, they were real.

50 Former Intel Officials Including Clapper and Brennan Sign Letter Saying Hunter Biden Emails Story is Russian Disinformation — Despite DNI Ratcliffe’s Statement

Polymeropoulos was also part of the gang that urged censorship on social media to prevent Russian disinformation.

Which is, of course, disinformation.

Intel Officials Who Claimed Hunter’s Laptop Was Russian Disinformation Now Say Big Tech Must Be Able to Censor to Protect from Russian Disinformation

We also know that the Intel community spied on President Trump throughout his Presidency.

They illegally spied on the US President from his first day in office onward.

Office of Director of National Intelligence Admits US Intel Community Spied on Trump

Another point is that the so-called “attack” on Paul Pelosi has not been confirmed.  We are unable to hear from the alleged assailant.  His rights to free speech are being withheld.  We have no camera footage that supports the tale that is being told and we have no police camera footage as well.  For all we know, the Pelosi story is just another Deep State lie. 

The Deep State has been spying on innocent Americans for years, including the President of the United States.  They make up stories they know are now true and then push them in the dark and dishonest media in efforts to provide them legitimacy.

Why is NBC reporting anything from Marc Polymeropoulos?

The good news is no one is listening to these Deep State hacks anymore.  We all know their true colors of dishonesty, disinformation, and hatred for Americans and the rule of law. 

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