Creepy Biden Grabs Child During Bill Signing, Says, “Meet Me After This, I Can Show You Around the White House” (VIDEO)

Joe Biden on Thursday signed into law the “Protecting America’s First Responders Act of 2021” in the State Dining Room of the White House.

As Biden was signing the new bill, he grabbed a little boy and asked what grade he’s in.

The child told Biden he’s in first grade.

Biden told him to meet him after the signing so he can show him around.

“Meet me after this, I can show you around the White House,” Biden said as he caressed the child’s face.

The child’s body language says it all.

What a creep.


The post Creepy Biden Grabs Child During Bill Signing, Says, “Meet Me After This, I Can Show You Around the White House” (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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