Dr. Fauci, Director of NIAID, on June 30th, 2020. Dr. Collins, Director of NIH, photo from 2011.
During a recent appearance on the Candace Owens Show, Dr. Robert Malone discussed how public health ‘experts’ such as Dr. Francis Collins and Dr. Tony Fauci had worked in secret to hide critical information about Covid-19 at the beginning of the pandemic, including evidence that the virus originated out of the Chinese Communist Party-controlled Wuhan lab.
As part of the criminal cover-up that will likely go down as one of the most horrific atrocities ever perpetrated on mankind, Fauci and his associates allegedly used “burner phones,” held “clandestine meetings, and kept “difficult secrets,” in order to hide their actions from the public.
Dr. Malone cited a book that was published in July 2021 by Jeremy Farrar, a former Oxford professor who is widely regarded as the UK’s equivalent to Dr. Fauci, as evidence to back up his claims. Farrar worked closely with Dr. Fauci and other public health experts from the US and around the world throughout the beginning of the Covid pandemic. He is also the head of the Wellcome Trust – which is an extremely influential non-government funder of medical research in the UK that is heavily involved in funding vaccine manufacturers.
Dr. Malone explained:
“In the book, published by this equivalent to Tony Fauci, [Farrar Claims] that Tony, Francis Collins and Jeremy Farrar all got burner phones, and were busy talking to each other about something right after this [release of the Covid-19 virus] – totally obsessed about this [lab-leak], more than about how to manage the response – they appear to have been using burner phones to cover their tracks so it couldn’t be traced about how they were going to cover their tracks!”
Candace Owens then follows up by pointing out how Dr. Fauci’s emails that were released by the House GOP oversight committee correspond with the claims made by Farrar.
“And Anthony Fauci’s emails, which were revealed, showed that someone told him [about the lab leak] very early on. [The emails] said this [Covid-19] is not a regular sequence that we see, this [virus] has obviously been manufactured – and yet what he [Dr. Fauci] was saying to everybody else was ‘oh this [natural origin of the virus] is just what happened.’
That says to me this was an inside job. I can not think of it [in] a different way because of the reaction and the cover-up mechanisms that were used.”
“And then there [are] apparently contracts that were issued in 2019 for the development of the [Covid-19] vaccines [even before the virus was widely known to the world],” Malone adds.
Watch via RedStateMedia:
In Farrer’s book, titled ‘Spike: The Virus Vs. The People – the Inside Story,’ he details some of the nefarious tactics that he used in tandem with Fauci and other ‘experts’ to bury crucial information. Apparently, their actions made him so “scared” and “uncomfortable” that he could not remain silent any longer.
An excerpt from his book – compiled by RedVoiceMedia – reads:
“By the second week of January, I was beginning to realize the scale of what was happening.I was also getting the uncomfortable feeling that some of the information needed by scientists all around the world to detect and fight this new disease was not being disclosed as fast as it could be.
I did not know it then, but a fraught few weeks lay ahead.
In those weeks, I became exhausted and scared.I felt as if I was living a different person’s life.During that period, I would do things I had never done before: acquire a burner phone, hold clandestine meetings, keep difficult secrets.I would have surreal conversations with my wife, Christiane, who persuaded me we should let the people closest to us know what was going on.
I phoned my brother and best friend to give them my temporary number. In hushed conversations, I sketched out the possibility of a looming global health crisis that had the potential to be read as bioterrorism.
‘If anything happens to me in the next few weeks,’ I told them nervously, ‘this is what you need to know.’”
Farrar continued one chapter later, exposing the fact that several “credible scientists” in the US were sounding the alarm about the virus leaking from the Wuhan lab as early as January 2020, which Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins were aware of, but did nothing other than discredit the entire notion of Covid-19 being a ‘lab-created virus’ as a wild conspiracy from the beginning.
“In the last week of January 2020, I saw email chatter from scientists in the US suggesting the virus looked almost engineered to infect human cells. These were credible scientists proposing an incredible, and terrifying, possibility of either an accidental leak from a laboratory or a deliberate release.
The next day I gathered everyone’s thoughts, including people like Michael Farzan, and emailed Tony and Francis: “On a spectrum, if 0 is nature and 100 is release – I am honestly at 50! My guess is that this will remain grey unless there is access to the Wuhan lab – and I suspect that is unlikely!”
The revelations that were published in Farrar’s book had gone widely unnoticed by the public until Dr. Malone called them out directly in his recent interview. Aside from The Epoch Times, which ran a piece that detailed Farrar’s shocking claims, no one else in the US media had covered the story until Dr. Malone raised the issue with Candace Owens, and even still the coverage has been nearly non-existent.
Farrar’s book, Spike: The Virus Vs. The People – the Inside Story, can be found here.
As the days go by, more and more evidence continues to mount against Fauci and other rogue public health officials that have worked tirelessly to cover up their involvement in the release of the virus that shut down the entire world and has been used as the vehicle to destroy freedom across the world.
This has never been about saving lives. It’s way past time for these criminals to be held accountable. People of the world are awaiting the Nuremberg 2.0 trials.
The post Burner Phones, Clandestine Meetings, and Difficult Secrets: Dr. Malone Calls Out How Dr. Fauci and Other Public Health ‘Experts’ Covered Up Crucial Covid Information in the Beginning of the Pandemic – (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.