BREAKING: President Trump Releases Findings from Pima County AZ – Precincts with Over 100% Turnout! “Either A New Election Should Immediately Take Place Or The Past Election Should Be Decertified”

President Donald Trump released a statement today revealing new “damning and determinative” information discovered in Pima County, Arizona.

The Gateway Pundit reported on a statement earlier, where President Trump teased this release.

BREAKING: President Trump Announces NEW Information From ARIZONA: “It Is Damning And Determinative! Will Be Discussing This Today.”

These new findings from the Pima County mail-in ballot analysis are both damning and determinative, and they show that fictitious votes were inserted into the system.

The Gateway Pundit reported that AZ State Rep and candidate for Arizona Secretary of State, Mark Finchem hinted at these findings at the last Trump rally, and he is fighting for a full forensic audit of Pima County.

EXCLUSIVE: Representative Mark Finchem Issues Press Release Calling for an Election Audit of Pima County, Arizona

President Trump released the following statement today.

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

A new analysis of mail-in ballots in Pima County, Arizona means the election was Rigged and Stolen from the Republican Party in 2020, and in particular, its Presidential Candidate.

The analysis derived from publicly available election data, shows staggering anomalies and fictitious votes in Pima County’s mail-in returns, making it clear they stuffed the ballot box (in some precincts with more ballots than were ever sent!).

Your favorite Republican candidate was steadily outperforming the Republican share of the ballots by 3%, while Joe Biden was underperforming Democrats by 3%. But when mail-in ballots started pouring in way higher than normal (at over 87%), this trend flipped. In other words, when it was clear that Trump was going to win, that’s when they swung into action. As more mail-in ballots poured and increased by 1%, Trump’s performance decreased by 1% while Biden’s increased.

As more and more mail-in ballots were stuffed into the system, Biden’s numbers shot way up. But they overplayed their hand, and got caught. Two precincts in Pima had over 100% turnout for mail-in ballots — which is impossible —  and 40 precincts had over 97% returned. The national mail-in ballot return rate was 71%, but in Pima County the mail-in ballot return rate was 15% higher, and 19% higher than all the counties combined in the entire state of Arizona. One precinct with 99.5% mail-in turnout had 9,812 ballots counted. Another precinct with 100.6% turnout had 2,182 ballots returned, but only 2,170 mail-ins were ever sent.

Turnout rates of 99% and 100% is what you get in a Third World Country, and that’s what we’re becoming (look at crime, the Border, Afghanistan, food prices, energy prices, and the empty store shelves, etc.), unless this is fixed immediately!

The precincts above 92% mail-in return rate represented 264,000 votes. If just 2% are fraudulent, meaning Trump votes went to Biden, that would be enough to change the so-called margin in Arizona of 10,457 votes.

The Department of Justice has had this information since the November 2020 Election, and has done nothing about it. The Pima County GOP should start a canvass of Republican voters in order to identify and remove the obvious fictitious voters from the system.

In addition, the Arizona Audit found tens of thousands of illegal votes, inluding 6,545 mail-in ballots with no envelopes, 2,580 bad signatures on mail-in ballot envelopes, and 1,919 mail-in ballot envelopes with no signature, which is also determinative and more than the margin.

Either a new Election should immediately take place or the past Election should be decertified and the Republican candidate declared winner.

Liz Harrington shared the statement on Twitter.

NEW! President Donald J. Trump releases new statement on damning findings in Pima County, Arizona “Either a new Election should immediately take place or the past Election should be decertified and the Republican candidate declared the winner.”

The vote was stolen from the American people and they were already busted in Arizona, but weak legislators across the nation and our cowardly federal government have done absolutely nothing about it.

Contact your State Legislators and tell them to fight for your voting rights.

Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers recently unveiled the “New Declaration of Independence” calling for nationwide audits, decertification where appropriate, and a U.S. House session to address the fraudulent election.

AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers: “New Declaration Of Independence” – 92 Legislators From 31 States Sign Letter Calling For Audits In All 50 States And Decertification

Arizona State Rep. Mark Finchem is fighting to audit Pima County to make a record of the evidence. He has started a nationwide petition to forensically audit Pima County and further investigate these discrepancies.

Sign the nationwide petition HERE!

All of this evidence and more from the Maricopa County audit is in the hands of the Arizona Attorney General and he needs to take action to restore America.

This election should be decertified immediately but until our elected officials gather the fortitude to fight for us, it all lies in the hands of Attorney General Mark Brnovich.

Contact Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich now and demand a full criminal investigation.


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