100 Percent Fed Up Exclusive- There’s a lot of manufactured news coming from Democrats lately, who’ve been warning of violence leading up to and including the day of the November 2022 election. MI GOP SOS candidate Kristina Karamo recently published a video exposing the unfounded rhetoric being pushed by her Democrat Soros-funded opponent, MI Sos Jocelyn Benson, who’s made several appearances on the national news morning shows pushing the Democrat Party’s big lie used to demonize and marginalize Republican poll challengers and election workers in advance of the election.
On Saturday, the Trump-endorsed MI GOP gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon was joined by former Democrat Rep. Tulsi Gabbard at Armando’s Restaurant in Detroit’s Mexican Village, where they spoke to a large crowd of supporters. The most recent poll shows Tudor Dixon in a dead heat with the MI Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who’s notorious for some of the most brutal lockdowns in America. The Dixon campaign continues to pick up steam despite being outspent by her Democrat opponent by a massive margin. The recent poll was taken after Dixon destroyed Michigan’s authoritarian governor in the first of two televised debates.
The mom of four young daughters, who is passionate about removing the woke agenda from Michigan’s public schools, kicked off her bus tour at Armando’s Restaurant in Detroit, where she spoke to the crowd about how parents want to keep their kids safe in school from violence and pornographic material in their children’s libraries. She also blasted the radical, authoritarian Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer who doesn’t think these books and materials are a problem.
While Tudor Dixon was explaining her plan to bring the basics of reading, science, and math back to schools, a radical woman holding a sign for Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer and her Lt. Gov. Gilchrist began walking near the front of the stage holding a sign for Dixon’s opponent and according to Wayne Co. GOP Chair Cheryl Constantino, she began “screaming and shouting at the top of her lungs,” something unintelligible from behind her face mask that ironically reads: “I’m Speaking”
Members of the crowd were allegedly becoming frustrated by the distraction and the woman who was obviously not at the Tudor Dixon event to support the GOP candidate for MI governor but claimed to have a ticket. The woman “pushed and shoved her way to the front” of the stage, Wayne Co. GOP Chair Cheryl Constantino said. When Mrs. Constantino noticed the woman was making her way toward a door where Tulsi Gabbard and Dixon’s Lt. Governor Shane Hernandez were waiting behind the stage, she quickly moved between her and the door.
Cheryl Constantino is a 13-yr. veteran of the US Army and a Detroit Public School teacher.
Wayne Co. MI GOP Chair Cheryl Constantino
I spoke with Constantino, who explained that she’s been well-trained in “hands-free” conflict resolution with students and knows how to direct a person away from the conflict without touching them. With both hands lowered and outstretched on either side of her body, Constantino began to back the unidentified woman away from the door. Suddenly, as Constantino was backing the woman toward the exit door, she felt a sharp pain in her arm and realized the woman was BITING her on the back of her arm! Constantino said, “The woman bit me so hard that she bit through my jacket and shirt underneath!” However, the Wayne Co. GOP Chair maintained her cool demeanor and continued to move the woman away from the door as she “pinched me” several times.
Mrs. Constantino sent this image to us to show how her arm looks in the spot where she was allegedly bit by the unhinged, violent leftist woman:
The back of Mrs. Constantino’s arm where she says she was bitten.
Two men attempted to move the woman holding the Governor Whitmer sign out of the exit door, but according to Constantino, the woman was “very combative” when she was asked to leave and began “batting and hitting and smacking” the men and telling them, “get your hands off of me!” According to Constantino, the men never touched her; they just guided her out of the venue by holding their arms up to keep her contained and not allow her to get back into the venue.
Once the unhinged woman was outside the venue, she began to argue with the management at the restaurant where the Dixon event was being held. The video below shows her arguing with the management and demanding she had a ticket.
The Wayne County GOP Chair made a police report on Sunday evening. Here is a copy of the report:
The MIGOP tweeted about the violent Whitmer supporter biting the Republican County chair, saying violence has “no place in any place or events,” adding that they “strongly condemn the vile actions of this protester.”
Constantino’s husband is a doctor and examined her wound after the incident. We will keep our readers updated with any new developments in the story of the violent leftist holding a Governor Whitmer sign at the Tudor Dixon event.