Globalist incumbent President Emmanual Macron has won reelection as France’s president, defeating French nationalist candidate Marine Le Pen, according to France 2 projection.
Initial projections show Macron defeated far-right Marine Le Pen for the second time with 58.2% of the vote.
Macron is the first French president to win reelection in 20 years since 2002.
CBS News reported:
French polling agencies are projecting that centrist incumbent Emmanuel Macron will win France’s presidential runoff Sunday, beating far right rival Marine Le Pen in a tight race that was clouded by the Ukraine war and saw a surge in support for extremist ideas.
If the projections are borne out by official results, Macron would be the first French president in a generation to win a second term, since Jacques Chirac in 2002. But he would face a divided nation and a battle to keep his parliamentary majority in legislative elections in June.
Five years ago, Macron won a sweeping victory over Le Pen to become the youngest French president. The margin is expected to be way smaller this time: Polling agencies Opinionway, Harris and Ifop-Fiducial projected that Macron would win between 57% and 58.5% of the vote, with Le Pen getting between 41.5% and 43%.
As the Gateway Pundit reported, French President Emmanuel Macron vowed to “piss off” the unvaxxed by making their lives miserable. Macron also said someone who refuses the Covid vaccine is ‘not a citizen.’
“The unvaccinated, I really want to piss them off. And so, we’re going to continue doing so, until the end. That’s the strategy,” Macron said in an interview with Le Parisien.
“I won’t send (the unvaccinated) to prison, I won’t vaccinate by force. So we need to tell them, from Jan. 15, you won’t be able to go to the restaurant anymore, you won’t be able to down one, won’t be able to have a coffee, go to the theatre, the cinema…” he added.