pallets of baby formula at a US border facility for illegal aliens
The Biden Administration is not for Americans.
The largest producer of baby formula was shut down by Biden/Obama for 3 months.
Biden is to blame because his FDA shut down a huge plant that makes baby formula in Michigan.
Baby formula is out of stock in stores across the United States.
In 25 states, 40-50% of baby formula is out of stock.
In 5 states over 50% of baby formula is out of stock.
But there is plenty of baby formula for illegal aliens.
The Biden Regime is shipping pallets of baby formula to US border facilities for illegal aliens, according to Florida Congresswoman Kat Cammack.
“They are sending pallets — pallets of baby formula to the border,” said GOP Rep. Kat Cammack. “Meanwhile, in our own district at home, we cannot find baby formula,”
A border patrol agent at Ursula Processing Center said to the lawmaker: “‘Kat, you would not believe the shipment I just brought in.’ He has been a border patrol agent for 30 years and he has never seen anything quite like this. He is a grandfather and he is saying that his own children can’t get baby formula.”
Joe Biden has not addressed the baby formula shortage crisis.
He’s too busy sending billions of dollars of taxpayer money to Ukraine.
And his spokeswoman thinks it’s funny that moms with newborn babies are panicking because they can’t feed their babies.