Biden Economy So Bad NBC Hacks Suggest Americans Get a “Good Side Hustle”

Elections have consequences.
Stolen elections have catastrophic consequences.

Joe Biden accomplished the unimaginable.  He destroyed the economy, destroyed the borders, destroyed foreign police, and created the greatest inflation 40 years in his one year in office.

On Wednesday Joe Biden broke another record.  The US trade deficit surged to over $100 billion in just one month! How does he do it?

Another Biden Record: US Trade Deficit Surges to $109.8 Billion, First Time Ever It Topped $100 Billion in One Month

TRENDING: Dave Chappelle Attacked on Stage at Hollywood Bowl (Video)

60% of Americans today are living paycheck to paycheck.

But thankfully the mainstream media is there to assist. NBC hacks told hurting Americans to get a “side hustle” to deal with the collapsing economy.

They care.

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