Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers
Some Arizona State Legislators are the face of election integrity in the U.S. and they were at Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium representing Arizona.
Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers joined State Senator Sonny Borrelli and State Representative Mark Finchem, who is running for Secretary of State to secure Arizona’s elections on stage yesterday.
They told the crowd the legend of Arizona’s battle for an audit after the fraud that was witnessed across Maricopa County.

AZ State Rep. Mark Finchem (left), AZ State Sen. Sonny Borrelli (middle), AZ State Sen Wendy Rogers (right)
Afterward, The Gateway Pundit’s Jordan Conradson spoke to Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers.
Conradson: What did you think of the Cyber Symposium?
Rogers: Well, great to be here in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, we drove from Arizona and got to see the great heartland of our country, came here with an open mind to learn as much as we could. And what really was a special takeaway is the fact that I think every state here, sent a state representative, or a state senator, and so we have all gotten to know one another, and realized as a group together, that we have the plenary power given to us by the U.S. Constitution to oversee the presidential election, and as such, We are now united as state legislatures to go forward, to find the truth of what happened in 2020, so that we can restore election integrity for 2022.
Conradson: That’s right, we gotta find the truth. So, after seeing what you saw here this week, what is your next step, what are you going to do?
Rogers: Well, we are trying to be an inspiration to other states because of our Arizona audit, and of course, we have three or four weeks to go before we find out the final results and the findings from that. In the meantime, I am traveling across the country to encourage other states to do on it’s because honestly, folks. Every county that had machines, involved in the election process needs to be audited and we all are in agreement on that.
Conradson: I know as a state senator, it’s really not your job to go travel to other states, and push other state legislators to do, do things for their constituents. Why are you doing this?
Rogers: because I took an oath, Jordan to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic That is a national oath. Yes, I am an Arizona State Senator, but first and foremost, I am a United States citizen and as such, I am here to protect the very fundamental underpinning of our Republic, which is the integrity of the vote.
Lt. Col Wendy Rogers knows how to lead troops into battle and she is displaying this courage as a legislator.
Senator Rogers is doing everything in her power fighting for the rights of not just her constituents, but all American’s as she took an oath to.
Rogers will be in Pennsylvania next Tuesday for an audit the vote rally!
Major Audit the Vote Rally Scheduled Next Tuesday, Aug. 17th, in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Every county that used these hackable, machines needs a full forensic audit, not an L&A test labeled “audit” and performed by the defendant.
The Cyber Symposium was an inspirational Convention of State Legislators, formulating a plan to restore confidence in our elections.
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