Prep Food for a Backcountry Hunt With Kifaru

Aron Snyder and Frank Peralta break down how they prep food for their hunting season. And there are lots of great tidbits to help the average hunter pack food for a backcountry hunt.

It’s prep season, hunters! This is, for sure, one of the most exciting times of the year. The countdown to archery season is upon us, and it’s easy to get excited about the hunting aspects while potentially leaving some of the more nuts-and-bolts pieces until the last minute.

I’ll tell you, though, ignoring your food and electrolyte needs until the last minute can make or break a trip into the backcountry. And Kifaru’s Aron Snyder and Frank Peralta have their setup dialed in.

There are a plethora of great tips and insights in this 17-minute video. These include how to drop your pack weight for food, organizing days by caloric intake, and the old standard — eating what agrees with your body.

“You don’t want to shit through a window screen, and you don’t want to shit a diamond,” Snyder says. Did I laugh? Yes. As a former long-distance backpacker, the understanding of his words is perhaps a bit too precious. How to prevent this in the backcountry? You’ve gotta try stuff at home first.

This is a good one. Even experienced backpack hunters are likely to pull something new from it. The planning starts now!

The post Prep Food for a Backcountry Hunt With Kifaru appeared first on GearJunkie.

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