Hello and welcome back to another edition of The Rimfire Report! This week’s special edition is going to depart from our normal subject and instead focus on another cartridge design that is only a couple of decades older – pinfire. Similar to rimfire cartridges, pinfire cartridges were invented in the earlier half of the 19th century as firearms technology was rapidly progressing. The pinfire cartridge design was one of the trailblazers of what would eventually become modern cartridges for the time and is also noteworthy for being one of the first metallic cartridge designs of the 19th century. Today in this special edition of The Rimfire Report, we’ll dive into the history, design, and firearms that existed within the pinfire world and how they eventually became obsolete after a short-lived era of widespread adoption.
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Final Thoughts
Despite the advantages it brought to the firearms world, the pinfire design was only popular for a very short amount of time, especially when compared to the subsequently adopted rimfire and centerfire cartridges that still see widespread use today. To bring things full circle, the pinfire cartridge got me thinking about how rimfire started off with many different sizes of cartridges but has now more or less been reduced to just varmint hunting rounds. Do you think that we will eventually see the end of the rimfire cartridge any time soon or will rimfire be with us for the rest of time? as always I’d like to hear your thoughts and comments. Thanks again for stopping by to read The Rimfire Report! We’ll see you again next week!
A Civil War-era Lefaucheux Model 1854 Pinfire Revolver that sold for nearly $3,300