AR-15 bullpup conversions are, for some, a unicorn. The available options are few, expensive, and generally short-lived. The Idahoan attempted to fix this with the BR-15.
More on Bullpup AR-15 @ TFB:
- AR-15 Bullpup Conversion by Center Balanced Systems
- Bullpup AR Conversion
- WarFairy’s 3D Printable AR-15 Bullpup
- Homemade Bullpup AR-15
- Longziz #1: An Interesting Homemade Bullpup with AR-15 Lower Receiver
The BR-15: a Bullpup AR-15 (TIS368)
We first looked at a product of the creative mind of Tim “The Idahoan” some time ago with the muzzleloading “Archer Rifle” concept. In the meantime, he’s been anything but idle: his channel offers a constant flow of interesting concepts being directly tested on a practical level.
The Idahoan Show BR-15 – An Affordable Bullpup Conversion
This latest endeavor is focused on offering an affordable, non-permanent, bullpup conversion for a standard AR-15. Tim’s reasoning is that previous commercial attempts failed because they usually required a proprietary lower receiver and a rather uncommon bufferless upper. These requirements increase the final cost, bringing the overall package to price levels closer to those of actual bullpups.
You can watch the whole video linked below to get the details of the whole reasoning, and then see the outcome (starting at timestamp 8:15) in actual use:
While the result is admittedly rough looking, it serves well the purpose of allowing the user to familiarize themselves with the basic ergonomics of a bullpup rifle at a very limited cost and without permanent changes to the host gun.
The Idahoan recognizes that this concept would have limited commercial value, but he offers freely the design to those willing to take a shot at it. The STL files are available on his personal website.
The Idahoan Show BR-15 – An Affordable Bullpup Conversion – Assembly drawing of the 3D printed parts, with the list of hardware required; one should also consider the addition of the top rail cover and the front sight base.
The Idahoan Show BR-15 – An Affordable Bullpup Conversion
Indeed we saw in the past something similar attempted by Demolition Ranch, but here the idea is arguably more developed. Clearly, the advantage of the shorter length of a bullpup is mostly lost, with the buffer tube sticking out behind, however, the balance and maneuverability advantages are still there.
What do you, TFB readers, think about this concept? Will you test this yourself? Would you purchase a sub-$100 conversion to try it? As usual, let us know in the comments.
All pictures courtesy of The Idahoan Show