Hello and welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 43. This week we’re getting back to a wider variety of subjects and tops from some of our favorite online podcasts. This week we’re featuring a newer writer for TFB, Tim C to talk about AK stuff and we’ve also got a good amount of episodes focusing on micro single action guns, double-action firearms, and a new set of laser rangefinders recently released by Vortex Optics. In the next couple of weeks, we have NRAAM to look forward to which should be full of new firearms, ammunition, and gear releases, and since 2022 has already shaped up to be a great year for guns, I’m pretty optimistic about NRAAM featuring some zingers when it comes to gun releases. Until then, sit back, relax and enjoy this week’s selection of gun listening.
Previous TFB Podcast Roundup Articles @ TFB:
- TFB Podcast Roundup 41: Talking with TFB’s Vlad, and CCW Gun Choices
- TFB Podcast Roundup 39: Talking about Bad Habits
- TFB Podcast Roundup 38: Practicality and Gunfighting
TFB Podcast Roundup 43: Double Actions, Rangefinders, and AKs
The MagLife Podcast 198 — Precision Rifle Shooting
Length: 36 Minutes
This week host Daniel Shaw has a couple of his own employees in on the podcast to talk about Precision Rifle Shooting where Steve is an avid competitor. The guys go over Steve’s recent experience in the national competition and also talk a bit about the benefits that PRS can have and how you can get started and grow in the sport.
What are the benefits of precision rifle shooting? How do you get started and how do you grow in it? Listen in for these answers and more.
TFB Podcast Roundup 43: Double Actions, Rangefinders, and AKs
Listen to the MagLife Podcast 198 – Precision Rifle Shooting on Apple Podcasts
The Handgun Radio Show 349 – Micro Singles
Length: 39 Minutes
Hello and welcome to Handgun Radio! I’m your host Ryan Michad from the wild woods of Central Maine, and this is your home for all the news, information and discussion in the handgunning world This week, we talk about small pistols that are single action and some single action carry safety!
TFB Podcast Roundup 43: Double Actions, Rangefinders, and AKs
Listen to The Handgun Radio Show 349 – Micro Singles on Apple Podcasts
Gun Talk Radio – NRA Board Ballots Are Due; DA Revolver Too Tough For Wife; The .38 Super Cartridge
Length: 45 Minutes
In this hour: – NRA Board Election Update – Is it smart to modify a revolver to lighten the trigger pull? – Remembering the .38 Super cartridge Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk 05.01.22 After Show
Lightening a double-action revolver’s trigger pull is a question and concept I hear tossed around a lot. While I’ve never been a proponent of it, I could see why people would want to do it either for competitive shooting or defensive reasons, however, do the safety concerns outweigh the risks involved? The guys on Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk give you their thoughts in this episode as well as an ode to the slowly disappearing .38 Super cartridge.
TFB Podcast Roundup 43: Double Actions, Rangefinders, and AKs
Vortex Nation Podcast Ep. 233 | All New Rangefinders
Length: 58 Minutes
A couple of you would have heard that two weeks ago Vortex released three new laser rangefinders that really push the boundaries of what the current lineup of rangefinders is capable of. You’ll see in this episode of the Vortex Nation podcast that the new breed of rangefinders has a new display, new optics, faster readout speeds, and other small improvements to make these more than just fancy new rangefinders – they really are items packed with as much value as possible from an optics company with an ever-improving track record.
TFB Podcast Roundup 43: Double Actions, Rangefinders, and AKs
Listen to the Vortex Nation Podcast Episode 233 | All New Rangefinders on YouTube
TFB B-Side Podcast: AK Talk with TFB Writer Tim C
Length: 15 Minutes
Tim C is one of our newer writers and by all counts is a huge aficionado of AK pattern rifles. Tim started his shooting adventures at quite a young age as most of us do but his firearms proclivities quickly switched over from the common and often mundane popular market offerings to love and perhaps obsession for the oft-forgotten and obscure firearms frequently found in pawn shops and mom and pop gun stores. Today’s episode is just a casual chat between Tim C and myself to help you all get a better feel about who Tim is, what he likes, and what his experiences have been so far with TFB. Please welcome Staff Writer Tim C to the show!
TFB Podcast Roundup 43: Double Actions, Rangefinders, and AKs
Listen to the TFB B-Side Podcast: AK Talk with TFB Writer Tim C on Spotify
That’s all we’ve got for this week folks. As always, we appreciate you stopping by to check out this week’s curated episodes and hope you were enlightened or at least learned something from one of these podcasts. Go ahead and let us know what gun-related podcasts you listen to and where we can find them. Thanks for reading and listening here at TFB and we’ll see you all next week!