TriggrCon 2022 was an absolute blast and I’m really glad that Rainer Arms has got the ball rolling again and is offering something akin to SHOT Show, but available to the general public. TriggrCon 2022 was hosted at the Flint Oak Hunting Lodge in Kansas and was a two-day event. Exhibitors like Aero Precision, Maxim Defense, Angstadt Arms, Stern Defense, Primary Weapons Systems, and Silencer Shop, all came out to showcase their latest products and give attendees a chance to try them out on the various ranges at the show. While I was there, I was able to meet up with new and old friends in the industry and one of them happened to be Ava Flanell. Ava is a current firearms instructor as well as a firearms business owner who loves checking out shows like TriggrCon to bring her audience a similar flavor of content that we give to you guys here at TFB. In addition, Ava also hosts her own podcast the GunFunny podcast which we’ve featured several times on TFB’s Weekly Podcast Roundup. Please welcome Ava to the show!
Podcasts @ TFB:
- TFB B-Side Podcast: An Interview with an Internet Gun Meme Lord
- TFB B-Side Podcast: Finnish Brutality with Laura
- TFB B-Side Podcast: Night Vision Talk with TFB’s Nick C
TFB Behind The Gun Podcast Episode #44: TriggrCon 2022 Talk with Ava Flanell
On today’s episode of the TFB Behind The Gun Podcast, we have fellow podcaster Ava Flanell! Ava has been a good friend since I officially entered the firearms industry. I’m excited to have her on the show today to talk to you all about our experiences at TriggrCon 2022 where Rainer Arms put on a great show and brought tons of companies with new additions to the firearms industry. Today we’ll talk a bit about some of the favorites from TriggrCon 2022, as well as our overall thoughts on how the show went. We’ll also talk about how Ava went from living in one of the most non-gun-friendly states in the union to being a successful firearms business owner as well as an influential voice in the firearms industry.
If you’re interested in checking out more of Ava’s work you can find her at the following locations:
All Photos Credit to Ava Flanell
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