Shooting competitions are some of the most fun you can have with your firearms. In particular, two-gun action challenge matches are a great way for you to not only enjoy your firearms in a competitive and fast-paced environment but also allow you to test your limits and learn more about where your stand in terms of competency with your firearms. An extension of the Two Gun Action Challenge Match is InRangeTV’s series of “Brutialty Matches.” These matches further the idea by providing shooters with multiple divisions that often feature manually operated firearms, require a full set of armor and ruck gear, or even allow you to test your limits with full-auto submachine guns if you’re brave enough. I recently attended Woodland Brutality 2022 where I was able to compete in the Armored +P Division and while we had met before, I was also able to speak with Karl Kasarda of InRangeTV, and Russell Phagan of KE Arms who have both served as match directors at these events. Today we’ve got both of them on the podcast to talk a bit more about what Woodland Brutality and other InRangeTV Brutality matches entail. Make sure to check back at TFB soon for a full review and overview of this year’s Woodland Brutality 2022 match.
Podcasts @ TFB:
- TFB Behind The Gun Podcast #40: Andrew and Joel with SureFire
- TFB Behind The Gun Podcast #39: Pat and Nick with True Velocity
- TFB Behind The Gun Podcast #38: Joel Hodgdon with Remington
TFB B-Side Podcast: Woodland Brutality with Karl Kasarda & Russel Phagan
Today on the show we have special guests Russell Phagan of KE Arms and Karl Kasarda from InRangeTV. Both of these gentlemen are largely responsible for the organization, and implementation of InRangeTV’s series of Brutality matches like Desert Brutality, Woodland Brutality, Finnish Brutality, and the new Lynx and Cornfield Brutality matches. Each Brutality match is unique and offers the shooter several challenging and phyiscally demanding courses of fire but are at their core some of the most fun you can have with firearms while practicing good fundamentals.
Today Russell and Karl join me on the TFB B-Side podcast to go in-deph on the subject of this year’s Woodland Brutlaity 2022 and talk a bit more in detail about the challenges, purpose and design of Brutality Matches. If you find today’s podcast interesting and want to learn more or even sign up to participate in an InRangeTV Brutality match, you can visit
All Photos Credit to InRangeTV and
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