TFB has a wide variety of writers on hand that span the entire globe. One writer I’ve followed closely even before I joined the TFB team has been fellow writer Vladimir Onokoy. Vladimir has a wealth of knowledge and experience when it comes to the guns of Europe and specifically the guns of the Middle East and Pakistan. While Vladimir was in Pakistan, he had a chance to tour their extremely varied firearms manufacturing facilities and as a result, he has a strong grasp of the current situation of the Pakistani firearms industry. Today he’s going to share his insight, experience, and thoughts on Pakistani firearms, the places they come from, and what he thinks the Pakistani firearms industry is going to be getting into in the coming years.
Podcasts @ TFB:
- TFB Behind The Gun Podcast #40: Andrew and Joel with SureFire
- TFB Behind The Gun Podcast #39: Pat and Nick with True Velocity
- TFB Behind The Gun Podcast #38: Joel Hodgdon with Remington
TFB B-Side Podcast: Pakistani Firearms with TFB Writer Vladimir Onokoy
Today on the TFB B-Side Podcast we have TFB Writer Vladimir Onokoy. Vladimir is an expert on small arms from across the world but takes particular interest in firearms outside the United States. Vladimir has spent many years working in different countries as a security contractor, firearms instructor, consultant, and armorer. Most of you who read TFB will know him for his top-tier coverage of the unknown history of the Kalashnakov rifle and detailed and timely coverage of various foreign (non-US) firearms expos like IDEF, DEFEXPO, DES, and WDS just to name a few. Please welcome Vladimir to the program as he talks about his extensive experience working with the Pakistani firearms industry and its two very different sectors of firearms manufacturing.
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