Machine guns make just about every red-blooded American happy. However, access and opportunities to this type of equipment are something that is often difficult to attain for most of us. Local gun ranges often have full-auto rentals for the occasional blast of fun but events like the Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot allowed people to not only watch many of their favorite machine guns in action but also join in on the show by taking part themselves in the firing line. Sadly, last year’s Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot was the last one to ever take place. However, today I bring you all a little bit of hope. Today on the show I have with me Rapid Fire Rachel and her father Anonymous Bob. The two of them together are gearing up for what should be an event that will scratch your machine gun shoot itch. Today on the TFB Podcast we talk about this, as well as a bit about both Bob and Rachel and what they love most about shooting and firearms.
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TFB B-Side Podcast: A New Machine Gun Shoot Coming Soon?
Today on the podcast we’ve got two guests who are each packing a lot of firepower. Known as Anonymous Bob and Rapid Fire Rachel in SASS (Single Action Shooting Society) circles, this father-daughter duo comes from a family of gun-loving Americans who wants to share their love for firearms with you. Today on the podcast Bob, Rachel, and I talk about how they each got into firearms, what they enjoy about firearms in their personal life, and also about an upcoming hopeful successor to the recently ended Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot. Details on the machine gun shoot will be coming soon so if you’re interested in possibly attending and participating in something like that, be sure to keep tabs on both Bob’s and Rachel’s social media pages for more information on that event this fall. In the meantime, enjoy the show!
More Info on the All American Machine Gun Shoot and Gun Show:
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