Winchester Ammunition had a few new ammunition options available at Industry Day At The Range 2023.
[SHOT 2023] New Winchester Big Bore And Rimfire Ammo
Winchester introduced a new line of handgun ammunition, dubbed Big Bore. Both a .44 Remington Magnum and 10mm load were available at Range Day, but a .45 Colt and .357 Magnum are listed on Winchester’s website. These loads are built for backcountry defensive use in handguns with semi-jacketed hollow point bullets. These do expand but also control that expansion until they hit a sufficient penetration depth for tough creatures like bears. While these are all designed for handgun use, they obviously will work in rifles chambered in these calibers too.
[SHOT 2023] Winchester 10mm Big Bore load (shown with the new Glock 20 Gen 5 MOS at Range Day)
[SHOT 2023] .44 Remington Magnum load
Two new versions of .22 Long Rifle ammunition were also at Range Day. SUB22 is made to cycle rimfire handguns consistently while remaining subsonic. Obviously, a longer barrel will generate more velocity and this ammo may go supersonic. The SUB22 bullet is a copper-plated 45-grain round nose for consistent feeding. Also, Winchester debuted their Xpert Rimfire load. It has a copper-plated 42-grain “Max” hollow point bullet with a very deep cavity. The box lists a velocity of 1,320 FPS. It ships in a 100-round box.
[SHOT 2023] SUB22 .22 LR ammo designed for use in suppressed handguns
[SHOT 2023] Xpert .22 LR cartridges with “Max” deep-cavity hollow point
[SHOT 2023] Xpert .22 LR ammo packaged in a 100-round box
One interesting load shown in Winchester’s SHOT Show booth is a 30-06 load designed for the M1 Garand. Standard 30-06 ammo can damage a Garand action if it departs too much from the original ammunition specification. This new Winchester offering pushes a 150-grain FMJ bullet at 2,740 FPS, which mimics the standard M2 Ball load.
[SHOT 2023] Winchester M1 Garand ammunition which mimics the M2 Ball load
TFB and TFBTV’s coverage of SHOT Show 2023 is proudly sponsored by 5.11 Tactical. Click here to check out their new products.