Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute (SAAMI) has published the cartridge and chamber drawings of the 30 Super Carry (30 S Carry). With the acceptance and standardization of this new cartridge by SAAMI, we now have precise data on its dimensions, ballistics and chamber pressure – specs, the combination of which is what makes this new cartridge interesting for the concealed carry market.
30 Super Carry @ TFB:
- Federal Ammunition Introduces the New 30 Super Carry Cartridge
- [SHOT 2022] 9mm vs. 30 Super Carry Recoil (ft. Ian McCollum and Jeremy from TTAG)
- New Smith & Wesson 30 Super Carry Shield EZ
- NEW S&W Shield Plus .30 Super Carry VERSUS 9mm
SAAMI 30 S Carry Specs. Photo credit: SAAMI (
Introduced by Federal Ammunition at SHOT Show 2022, the 30 Super Carry is a 30-caliber handgun cartridge that has an overall length identical to the 9mm Luger (1.169″) but is .05″ thinner than the 9mm (.344″ vs .394″ head diameter) which allows having higher magazine capacity at given magazine dimensions. The muzzle energy of 30 Super Carry is comparable to certain 9mm Luger loads because of the higher pressure it operates at. The Maximum Average Pressure (MAP) of the 30 S Carry cartridge is 52,000 psi, which is way more than the 35,000 psi MAP of 9mm Luger and even the 38,500 psi MAP of 9mm Luger +P. The SAAMI muzzle velocity for the 30 S Carry cartridge with a 115-grain bullet, the projectile weight where this new cartridge overlaps with the 9x19mm, is 1,150 fps (no barrel length specified) which means muzzle energy of 338 ft-lb.
Hornady 30 Super Carry Critical Defense Ammunition. Photo credit: Hornady (
Currently, Smith & Wesson makes Shield pistols and Nighthawk Custom offers 1911-pattern guns chambered in 30 S Carry. Ammunition is available from major manufacturers such as Federal, Hornady, Remington, CCI/Speer, etc.
To download the 30 Super Carry SAAMI cartridge and chamber drawings, click HERE. To learn more about this new cartridge, visit the Federal Ammunition’s website page dedicated to the 30 S Carry and watch the below-embedded TFBTV video.
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