POTD: Pirate-Themed AR

Photo Of The Day: Today we have some excellent photos from TracerX, a photographer, videographer and content creator for the outdoors and firearms community. If you’re looking to build your own pirate-themed ARyou can use the HERA Arms H15GL Grip and IRS-Leather Rail. Just remember to dress up as a pirate!

Pirate Build! @sharpsbros The Jack Lower, @lanworldinc Grip, Mag, upper and rail, @holosunoptics 3x and AEMS sight, @rainierarms Handstop, @blackoutdefense Trigger, @fortismfg Mag Release and takedown pins.
What do you think about the Sharp Bros lower? Note the Fortis golden hardware.

Check back tomorrow for another run of our Photo Of The Day. We’re always on the lookout for the best photographers and firearms-related images out there. The goal is to give your eyes something worth watching every day – regardless if it’s futuristic, modern, or a bit odd – like today.

All photos by TracerX. You can follow him here!
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