Photo Of The Day: John Rigby and Co. with a showroom in London, United Kingdom, create bespoke firearms to hunting connoisseurs. The two .416 No. 2 Rising Bite double rifles shown here were ordered by a married couple and named “The Lion” and “The Lioness”.
The rising bite action was designed and patented by J. Rigby and T. Bissell and uses a vertical-bolt locking system. According to the company’s website, the price starts from £131,340. (Source)
If you look at the Swarovski riflescope in the top image, you can see it’s a 1-6×24 EE. EE stands for Extended Eye-relief which comes in handy with powerful calibers, unless you want to look like a pirate with a black ring around your eye after shooting.
And from the other side.
The company John Rigby & Co. (Gunmakers) Ltd was established in Dublin, Ireland, in 1775. They are the third-oldest gunmaking company in the world, and they are now owned by the Lüke & Ortmeier Gruppe.
These images are from John Rigby & Co’s Facebook page.
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Which firearm would you get for your wife or husband? A pair of rifles like these or something else?