Austrian Soldiers in Ghana
Photo Of The Day: The silhouette of this Steyr AUG almost looks like an airsoft rifle. We’re in Daboya, Ghana, in Africa, and it looks rather hot outside – even without fur. The image portrays an Austrian dog handler, working with Ghanaian soldiers during an objective raid.
Below: A member of the Ghana Armed Forces relays enemy movements while conducting an objective raid during Flintlock in Daboya, Ghana, on March 5, 2023. Flintlock is an exercise focused on improving the military interoperability of participating militaries.
Austrian and Ghanaian soldiers apprehend an enemy while conducting an objective raid.
Below: A member of the Ghana Armed Forces pulls security while conducting an objective raid during Exercise Flintlock.
We have more stories to tell and images to show, so please check back tomorrow for another едитион оф Photo Of The Day.
Source: U.S. Army, photo by Cpl. Tommy L. Spitzer, Special Operations Command Africa.