NEW Complete TACCOM 22RF Upper – Ultra Light, Ultra Controllable

The ultralightweight and ultra controllable complete TACCOM 22RF upper is finally here and available for purchase. For those who don’t know, the TACCOM 22RF upper or Complete Signature Upper for AR15-22LR  is a dedicated 22LR upper receiver, barrel, and bolt combo that integrates seamlessly with any mil-spec AR15 223/5.5.56 lower receiver. The company uses ultralightweight components to offer the user a sub-3-pound 22LR upper option for fun plinking or a lightweight training experience using a similar manual of arms to a standard AR-15 rifle.

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The Complete TACCOM 22RF Upper has Landed - Ultra Light. Ultra Control

NEW Complete TACCOM 22RF Upper – Ultra Light, Ultra Controllable

Here it is……the evolution of the TACCOM 22rf upper is here!! An ultra-light upper specifically designed for steel challenge, knock down steel and action rimfire competition. Our bolt has been separated from the buffer, no rails to get bent, no springs to hang up. Our recoil spring is in itself uses a miniature AK style retention and is its own assembly. The buffer is made from Delrin and produces a soft, minimal sound impact. The barrel is our ULW design and has a collar attached that incorporates a floating stainless steel ejector. Speaking of ejection, our proven extractor provides a solid pressure, ensuring that the case will ride the bolt to the ejector and come out of the ejection port with force. Our bolt is designed to be used with pretty much any aftermarket charge handle made for the AR15…….Something that other manufacturers can’t say. Our proven ULW barrels are accurate and will chamber most of the popular 22RF ammo made today. We recommend CCI mini-mags, Blazer, Ely Force ammunition (all 40 grain round nose).

The Complete TACCOM 22RF Upper has Landed - Ultra Light. Ultra Control

The complete package will come standard chambered for 22LR and will feature a 16-inch ultralightweight barrel with 4.5″ inches of effective rifling with the remainder being a permanently fixed lightweight sleeve to meet minimum barrel length requirements per current ATF regulations. The upper will be compatible with BlackDog Machine 22LR magazines which come in a variety of capacities and feature a similar form factor to a standard 30, 20, or 10-round STANAG magazine. Like other 22LR conversion kits, there is no need to swap out your existing buffer or spring as the TACCOM 22RF upper relies on its unique bolt design to cycle the weapon independently of that system while still maintaining complete compatibility with both mil-spec and aftermarket charging handles. Just remove your 5.56 lower, slap on the TACCOM 22RF upper, insert the mags and have fun!

The Complete TACCOM 22RF Upper has Landed - Ultra Light. Ultra Control

The TACCOM 22RF is currently available for order for a price of 499.95. At the time of writing, only black color is available and comments on the company’s Facebook page indicate that down the road there might be an additional upper receiver and handguard color option for those who wish to have something different right from the factory. What are your thoughts on this 22LR upper? Is it worth the price or are there better options in the market? Let us know down in the comments!

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