Welcome everyone to the 174th edition of ‘Hot Gat or Fudd Crap?’, one of our many series here on TFB. If you’re new to the series, this is where we look at the most obscure firearms that are actually for sale and ask the question – is this Gat a sweet deal or only has a Fudd appeal? Each week the TFB staff weighs in with their thoughts, but readers get the final say in the poll at the bottom of each article.
In our last edition, our poll showed that you, the readers, decided the modified M&P15 Sport was fudd crap.
HGFC – COD Inspired or Mall Ninja Tired? — Poll Results
At this time the original auction remains up with the modified M&P Sport II still up for grabs. We can only hope this rifle can find its way to a new home in the near future.
In this week’s edition of HGFC, we look at a custom AR-15 with an under-barrel-mounted shotgun. As is tradition, this hybrid gat is currently up for sale on GunBroker for $2,875 Starting Bid or $3,000 Buy It Now.
Ultimate Masterkey or How About No?
HOT GAT or FUDD CRAP? Ultimate Masterkey or How About No?
Let’s see what the Staff had to say about this week’s offering:
“Long Master Key is Long” Matt M.
HOT GAT or FUDD CRAP? Ultimate Masterkey or How About No?
Selling this very one-of-a-kind gat is GunBroker seller RavenGunn, located in Carlsborg WA. Let’s see what they had to say about this AR-15 shotgun combo.
HOT GAT or FUDD CRAP? Ultimate Masterkey or How About No?
This is a ONE OF A KIND build! 12 guage semi auto shotgun mounted under an AR-15 in custom Cerakote by Rogue Gunn Works! Rex Silentium SEG-12 suppressor does NOT come with this offering! Mount does! Built as an one off movie prop that is fully functional! There is video loaded to YouTube of it being fired. Named “FANG” after the character on the TV show “Primal” it was heavily influenced by the movie “Aliens” and “Predator ” this is an absolute beast and a total hoot to shoot! Custom made hand guard that is influenced by the SPAS 12 shotgun, it will never be made again. This is truly a one of a kind offering!
This is just too much fun! Aero Precision freedom DTOM15 receiver used to build this one off custom project. The perfect eye catcher to make people say “WTF?”
Custom made hand guard protects your trembling fingers while firing this beast. Weighing in at nearly 18 pounds of madness, this is just simply ridiculous! Battle worn and ready for the Apocalypse, this is a new weapon (both) and has been test fired and we have yet to see anyone not crack a HUGE smile while hefting this madness! Inspired by the Predator Movies, own this one off project and be the envy of everyone. This was made for a movie that lost funding… so lucky you! You can now own it! Test fire was a total of 30 rounds out of the AR-15 and 18 rounds out of the shotgun. This was done under video for the movie company.
Know your local and sate laws before placing a bid. Nit responsible for your mistake when bidding. Shipping will be expensive due to weight and size, probably close to $120 before insurance. We highly recommend insurance! If you have any questions, ask. We can send more photos on request plus link to video.
HOT GAT or FUDD CRAP? Ultimate Masterkey or How About No?
After featuring a lot of questionable builds on this series, it’s always interesting to see something that’s actually well executed. No, I don’t think this firearm is practical or useful in any way, but it certainly is an interesting take on an old idea. Masterkey’s have been around for quite some time now, and are usually pump actions with short barrels. Having a semi auto option does make this idea more intriguging, but still not practical.
HOT GAT or FUDD CRAP? Ultimate Masterkey or How About No?
Given this was a one off movie prop may increase this gun’s value depending on the movie’s fanbase. I mean who else is in the market for a 20 pound AR-15 shotgun combo? I guess people with too much money or maybe this ticks the box for someone looking to avoid tax stamps. Either way, it’s a interesting gun, but a neiche purchase at best.
What do you think? Is this gun worth it for everything included and a price tag of just under $3k or are you better off starting from scratch? As always I leave it up to you, the readers, to decide.
HOT GAT or FUDD CRAP? Ultimate Masterkey or How About No?
What do you think? Is this AR-15 Shotgun Hybrid a Hot Gat or overcomplicated Fudd Crap? Be sure to let us know in the comments below, and cast your vote to let us know if this Semi Auto Shotgun Mounted Under AR-15 is a Hot Gat or Fudd Crap: