Welcome everyone to the 176th edition of ‘Hot Gat or Fudd Crap?’, one of our many series here on TFB. If you’re new to the series, this is where we look at the most obscure firearms that are actually for sale and ask the question – is this Gat a sweet deal or only has a Fudd appeal? Each week the TFB staff weighs in with their thoughts, but readers get the final say in the poll at the bottom of each article.
In our last edition, our poll showed that you, the readers, decided “The Hunter” themed AR-15 was fudd crap.
HGFC – Modern Hunter or Financial Blunder? — Poll Results
At this time the original auction remains up with “The Hunter” themed AR-15 still up for grabs. We can only hope this rifle can find its way to a new home in the near future.
In this week’s edition of HGFC, we look at an engraved Tristar T-120 chambered in 9mm. As is tradition, this one-of-a-kind engraved gat is currently up for sale on GunBroker for $260 Current Bid with No Reserve.
Turkish Treasure or Engraved Displeasure?
HOT GAT or FUDD CRAP? Turkish Treasure or Engraved Displeasure?
Let’s see what the Staff had to say about this week’s offering:
“When you let the guy who did your prison tat engrave your Turkish CZ clone” – James Reeves
“It might look decent – if you never viewed it from closer than 15 yards away, while squinting.” – Will P.
“Good from afar but far from looking good” – Nick C.
“When “just as good” forces unite their powers” – Matt E.
Selling this knock-off Turkish gat is GunBroker seller LastManArms, located in Saint Peter MN. Let’s see what they had to say about this hand-engraved Turkish CZ-75 clone.
HOT GAT or FUDD CRAP? Turkish Treasure or Engraved Displeasure?
The photos do a good job highlighting the ghetto fabulous qualities of the “custom” bubba engraved Canik/Tristar T-120. I am not sure if the engraving increases or decreases the value of this orginionally nice clone of a CZ-75. This auction will certainly answer that question. Everything in the photos is included including the 2 like new Mec-Gar 15 round magazines. The aluminum grips appear to be commercial aftermarket. You can rest assured that if you win this auction, you will have a one of a kind firearm. Whether or not it is worth bragging about will be determined by the company you keep. I will be very disappointed if “TFB: Hot Gat or Fudd Crap” doesn’t cover this.
This is a used firearm. It is the buyers responsibility to have it checked out by a qualified gunsmith before firing it.
Only bid if you intend on buying and it is legal to own in your state.
HOT GAT or FUDD CRAP? Turkish Treasure or Engraved Displeasure?
Well, Jeremy, your email wishes and item description request have been granted. So now we’re all forced to look at this nightmare of an engraving job. At least this wasn’t done to an original CZ-75, so we can take some comfort in that. At this point, there are so many clones of this design I feel like there should be an ultimate showdown between them all.
I think we can all agree that hand engraving, when done correctly, can be incredibly beautiful. This, of course, takes years to master and probably is best practiced on sheet metal, or in this case a TriStar T-120. Am I a little upset? Sure, even if I don’t like a gun I’d rather it not suffer a fate like this.
HOT GAT or FUDD CRAP? Turkish Treasure or Engraved Displeasure?
I’m not sure if the wear on the front of the gun is from a holster or if someone tried to cover up some engraving mistakes. Granted you could argue (and I’d agree with you) that all of this engraving was a mistake, but it certainly seems to have gone downhill quickly. Is there even a proper way to save guns like this? Maybe it is just forever resigned to this cursed fate. At least it makes for a fun talking piece.
While clone pistols are far from my favorite handguns that doesn’t mean this gun doesn’t still hold some value. It’s uncertain how high the price will go on this No Reserve auction, but I’ll venture a guess and say it stays below $500. What do you think? Is this gun worth it for the going price of $260 or is this not worth it at all? As always I leave it up to you, the readers, to decide.
HOT GAT or FUDD CRAP? Turkish Treasure or Engraved Displeasure?
What do you think? Is this TriStar T-120 an engraved Hot Gat or scratched-up Fudd Crap? Be sure to let us know in the comments below, and cast your vote to let us know if this Canik/TriStar T-120 9mm CZ-75 Clone is a Hot Gat or Fudd Crap: