Welcome everyone to the 162nd edition of ‘Hot Gat or Fudd Crap?’, one of our many series here on TFB. If you’re new to the series, this is where we look at the most obscure firearms that are actually for sale and ask the question – is this Gat a sweet deal or only has a Fudd appeal? Each week the TFB staff weighs in with their thoughts, but readers get the final say in the poll at the bottom of each article.
In our last edition, our poll showed that you, the readers, decided the purple GM-6 Lynx was fudd crap.
HGFC – Purple Flexing or Just Perplexing? — Poll Results
At this time the original auction remains up with this .50 BMG bullpup still up for grabs. We hope this giant purple gat can find its way to a new home in the very near future.
In this week’s edition of HGFC, we look at a heavily modified Chinese SKS chambered in 7.62×39. As is tradition, this tactically equipped gat is currently up for sale on GunBroker for $405 Current Bid and No Reserve.
Hot Gat or Fudd Crap? SKS Majesty or Travesty?
HOT GAT or FUDD CRAP? SKS Majesty or Travesty?
Let’s see what the Staff had to say about this week’s offering:
Selling this overly tactical gat is GunBroker seller KMA556, located in Waukesha WI. Let’s see what they had to say about this modified SKS.
HOT GAT or FUDD CRAP? SKS Majesty or Travesty?
Don’t know what to say about this. It’s awful. Comes with a bunch of crap no one needs. Luckily it doesn’t look like the base gun has been messed with so you could restore it too it’s original glory. Or keep it as is! Don’t let me tell ya what to do with your life. Has 2 bipods, because why not. Has a pretty worthless sling. A 30rd mag that most likely doesn’t work. A trigger lock that I’m not sure why or what purpose it serves. Has a trash center point scope. Has one of those awful knives with the compass that every one of us bought for $8 at a gun show in the 1990’s/2000’s. This one has “Family” engraved in it. Which is a nice touch knowing this man cared so much about his family, this is likely what he used to defend them. IDK guys, in 12 years of doing Gunbroker listings this is probably the worst I’ve had to type and I’m sorry if this hurt your eyes. The pics sadly speak for themselves. At the very least enjoy what you see, I guess! ????
No sales to California. Please read ALL terms of sale prior to placing a bid. We ONLY accept payment by Credit/Debit cards and we have the gunbroker instant check out system enabled for Visa/MasterCard/Discover. We cannot and will not ship ANYTHING to California. We do not test fire nor to we have the ability to test fire any of our firearms unless otherwise stated in the description. All items ship with in 5 business days of receiving payment and FFL. We will send you tracking through UPS and Gunbroker. For handguns 2nd day shipping means that once shipped it will be sent out 2nd day air. In store pick up is available for all items unless otherwise stated.
HOT GAT or FUDD CRAP? SKS Majesty or Travesty?
I think this may be the first time a seller on GunBroker has effectively roasted their own gun. It’s bold strategy cotton. Still, the hallmark of this, or any over-the-top modified firearm, is the wonderful addition of a knife no one asked for. I can only hope the engraving is a reference to an actual loving family. There’s a slight chance someone just watched the Fast & Furious movies too many times. But I digress.
HOT GAT or FUDD CRAP? SKS Majesty or Travesty?
Oh and that knife no one asked for? Better secure it to the gun with some good old-fashioned trusty paracord. Because nothing says I’m a professional like random knots and the overuse of 550 paracord.
HOT GAT or FUDD CRAP? SKS Majesty or Travesty?
SKS rifles were once very cheap, and I’m sure there will be a comment about how cheap and available they used to be. That cheap factor once paired with a large aftermarket for parts led us here. It’s not something I like, but sadly, it’s something I understand. Let’s be honest, you wanted a more desirable rifle like an AK. But those cost, well, more. Personally, I’d like to see this rifle returned to its original configuration, or see someone purchase this and review it as-is.
With no reserve on this auction, this rifle is going to sell. The only question remaining is how much should this gun sell for, and is it worth the money at the $405 current bid? As always, I leave it up to you, the readers, to decide.
HOT GAT or FUDD CRAP? SKS Majesty or Travesty?
What do you think? Is this Modified SKS a Hot Gat or impractical and not at all tactical Fudd Crap? Be sure to let us know in the comments below, and cast your vote to let us know if this Modified Chinese SKS is a Hot Gat or Fudd Crap: