Despite the launching of many 7 PRC rifles and loadings at the end of October, Hornady quietly launched an updated lineup of their Sub-X bullets, as well as their subsonic 7.62×39 loading using said Sub-X bullets. The Sub-X bullets utilize the familiar red-nosed expansion tip, but these tips have been enlarged to enhance the bullet’s expansion at much lower velocities. For the moment, it appears that the 255-grain 7.62×39 projectiles only come as part of their factory-loaded subsonic cartridge series, while the rest of the Sub-X lineup are available as just the projectiles. Hornady previously listed the 190 grain .308 caliber bullets under the Sub-X line, though they’ve now also listed .357, .452, .458, and one more .308 caliber offering.
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The following quote is from Hornady’s website, which is followed by their video showcasing the subsonic 7.62×39 in action.
Hornady® Subsonic Ammunition — designed for accuracy and performance below the speed of sound — now comes in both rifle and handgun loads.
Subsonic Handgun utilizes tried-and-true XTP® bullets that expand reliably at subsonic velocities. The Sub-X bullet used in Subsonic Rifle features a lead core. Long grooves in its gilding metal jacket combine with the bullet’s flat profile and the patented Flex Tip® insert within its hollowpoint cavity to help it expand reliably at low velocities.
Powders are selected for optimal performance and consistency from lot to lot.
Hornady described the Sub-X line as follows:
Sub-X® (Subsonic — eXpanding) bullets deliver big results without a big bang! Designed to provide deep penetration below the speed of sound, Sub-X® features a lead core. Long grooves in its gilding metal jacket combine with its flat profile and the patented Flex Tip® insert within the bullet’s hollowpoint cavity to help it expand reliably at low velocities. Cannelures provide positive case crimp, making Sub-X® ideal for semiautomatic weapons.
Image credit: Hornady
You can find more information about the Sub-X projectiles from Hornady HERE, or for more specs on the subsonic 7.62×39 factory ammunition, click HERE. You can also visit to see their other ammo, projectiles, reloading equipment and gun safes.
What do you think about Hornady’s new offerings with heavy-for-caliber projectiles or their new 255-grain 7.62×39 ammo?
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