Owning, shooting, and collecting guns is awesome, but as with any hobby, there are pros and cons to everything, and I thought I’d take a moment to discuss several of those annoying little truths about owning guns. These negative aspects of gun ownership are mostly First World problems, and they’re not always deal breakers when you’re itching to get to the range, but like the title says, annoying little truths.
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You’ve just spent your hard-earned money on some shiny new boxes of ammo, and you’re ready to load up your pistol or rifle mags and get shooting. But one of those annoying little truths is when it comes to opening that eye-catching, brightly colored box that should theoretically open on both ends, it’s not going to open on your first try. Perhaps your experience has been easier, but it seems that no matter which side of the ammo box I choose to open, it’s always the other side that opens effortlessly.
Firearms are machines with moving parts, and over time, there are some parts that will need replacing, either because they get worn, or just decide to break after 3087 rounds… or 209… or less. While most manufacturers make reliable firearms, there may be occasional teething issues, or certain parts will just need replacing on a routine round count schedule. Fortunately, most high-wear parts aren’t too expensive, but it’s just a necessity to have a few parts on hand for your go-to firearms. Depending on the make and model, popularity and stocking issues, tracking said parts down may be a problem. In the photo below, my spare Beretta 92FS locking block took me months to track down because no one had them in stock. Between the material shortages and panic buying from promised legislation, this one essential part for a prolific pistol was nowhere to be found.
Another annoying little truth is that you’ll also need to think ahead when changing small springs and pins in case you launch one across the room. Raise your hand if this has happened to you (I’m typing one-handed because my other hand is raised too).
Cleaning firearms is a two-pronged annoyance. On one hand, some people just hate cleaning their guns, but there are other people that actually enjoy cleaning guns (and may have a secret annoyance at the people that don’t like cleaning their guns). Either way, if you like shooting, your guns will need to be cleaned eventually. If you don’t like gun cleaning, then maybe buddy up with someone that does, and buy them a six-pack in exchange for their services. What’s your beverage of choice for gun cleaning day?
Do you have to have the latest gadgets, accessories and tier-one guns and gear? Do you look at Instagram guns or combat footage and think “I need that look for my gun”? Prepare to be annoyed when “that look is so 10 years ago” or that trendy brand of firearm or accessory has fallen out of favor. Thus, costing you more money to chase the latest, greatest, modern look, again. One example of a former trend in the firearms industry was the zombie-themed craze of the early twenty-tens.
Image credit: Iver Johnson Arms
Image credit: Bushnell
As I mentioned, none of these annoying little truths about owning guns is a deal breaker, and there’s no way they’re going to stop me from shooting, but they’re just little things that get in the way. And for the record, I’m one that likes to clean guns, just not obsessively or over-frequently.
How about you, have you found one or more of these annoying little truths about gun ownership for yourself? What are some other little annoyances about guns have you had?