Joe Biden bumped his head exiting Marine One Thursday evening as he returned to the White House after a trip to Colorado.
Biden bumped his head on the doorframe of Marine One while exiting the helicopter.
The 80-year-old rubbed the top of his head to soothe the pain.
Biden bumped his head but otherwise appeared spry, wearing a blue suit with a matching tie trademark aviators,” a pool report said.
FULL VIDEO: Biden bumps his head as he gets off Marine One, then tells reporters he “got sandbagged” yesterday at the U.S. Air Force Academy graduation
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 2, 2023
Earlier Thursday Biden took a MASSIVE fall after delivering the 2023 Air Force Academy commencement speech in Colorado Springs.
BREAKING: Biden takes a big fall on stage just now at the U.S. Air Force Academy graduation
— Jake Schneider (@jacobkschneider) June 1, 2023
Biden bumped his head and fell hard on his hip on Thursday, but he’s totally fine according to the political hacks surrounding Biden.