The manifesto of the transgender Nashville shooter Audrey Hale has been delayed yet again.
At one point, the Nashville police claimed that the FBI was holding up the release. The journalist Glenn Greenwald hired law firms to get the document released and was blocked.
Just last week, the Nashville Police claimed they were going to release it. Now what?
The excuse this time is that there is ‘pending litigation’ around the document.
Does anyone believe any of this?
OutKick reports:
The release of transgender mass killer Audrey Hale’s manifesto has been put on hold.
The Nashville Police Department had previously told Fox News Digital last week the manifesto was being revealed and would be released. People are interested to see what drove Hale to murder six innocent people, including three children, at the Covenant School in late March.
Now, it appears that the process has hit a roadblock.
Metro Nashville PD announced Wednesday afternoon that “Due to pending litigation filed this week, the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department has been advised by counsel to hold in abeyance the release of records related to the shooting at The Covenant School pending orders or direction of the court.”
The update is in response to a lawsuit filed by former Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Hammond and the Tennessee Firearms Association against the Nashville city government and the police to release the manifesto, according to
As of early May, the public still doesn’t have any idea what is in the manifesto.
This doesn’t even make sense.
Covenant investigation update: Due to pending litigation filed this week, the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department has been advised by counsel to hold in abeyance the release of records related to the shooting at The Covenant School pending orders or direction of the court.
— Metro Nashville PD (@MNPDNashville) May 3, 2023
Nashville PD: As a result of our being sued over withholding the killer’s manifesto, we are going to withhold the killer’s manifesto
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) May 3, 2023
If the shooter would have been a right wing nutjob or wearing a MAGA hat, the manifesto would’ve been available the same day as the shooting
— A less refined gentleman (@bearded1ndr) May 3, 2023
This makes no sense. Dozens of Tennessee citizens sought the release of the Nashville shooter’s manifesto under the public records act. All were denied.
Litigation happened because the PD wouldn’t release it voluntarily. Now they’re using the lawsuit as an excuse to conceal it:
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) May 3, 2023
Reminder that we had the Buffalo killer’s manifesto hours after that atrocity
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) May 3, 2023
Do the authorities want people to start calling this a cover-up? Because that’s what it looks like.