Ikon Weapons produces 5.56 Galil variants including the Mirco and ARM. At SHOT Show 2023, they also displayed their new .308 versions. These included wood and polymer furniture models and even one with a California-complaint grip fin.
[SHOT 2023] .308 Galil Builds From Ikon Weapons
One major hang-up in producing large-frame Galils is access to bolt heads. Many other parts can be sourced from 5.56 parts kits, but the bolt head is one part that is obviously not usable. Ikon purchased a pallet of IMI Galil parts recently and inside that pallet was a box of original bolts. Once those bolts are gone there are no more, so these are limited-edition guns.
Ikon only sells direct to dealers with no distributor in the middle. Atlantic Firearms is one of the major sellers of Ikon’s guns, including a version of the .308 rifle. The retail price from Atlantic was $2989 when they were in stock.
.308 Galils were not the only guns in the Ikon booth. Several versions of their Micro Galil were on display as well. These included some wild custom Cerakote schemes, a standard model with some additional stippling, and a special presentation box model.
As an interesting side note, Ikon includes a little yellow chamber flag with their 5.56 guns. Instead of the common piece of plastic, it has a metal rim much like a case head, meaning it is self-extracting. A Galil with one of these chamber flags and a loaded magazine can be brought into action by simply running the bolt. It is an exclusive product imported from Colombia, only available with the purchase of a firearm.
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