Even Democrats believe that the election in Arizona was a mess that impacted the outcome of the election.
Maricopa was a royal mess. We all know it.
A new Rasmussen poll shows that 72% of Americans believe that Arizona voters were deprived of their sacred right to vote in the November 8th election.
In addition, 71% of those polled believe that the problems affected the outcome of the Senate election in Arizona.
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Also, most of those polled believe that they followed the election very closely.
Rasmussen shares:
Problems with the election in Arizona have Republicans furious, and a majority of voters nationwide agree that the “sacred right to vote” is at risk. Seventy-one percent (71%) of Likely U.S. voters believe it’s likely – including 40% who say it’s Very Likely – that problems with the election in Maricopa County affected the outcome of the Senate election in Arizona. Twenty-three percent (23%) don’t think the problems affected the Senate election, in which Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly defeated GOP challenger Blake Masters by a 51%-47% margin. The gubernatorial race in Arizona was even closer, with Democrat Katie Hobbs edging Republican Kari Lake by a margin of less than 20,000 votes.
After reports of Election Day problems with vote tabulation in Maricopa County, Lake called the election “botched” and declared: “This isn’t about Republicans or Democrats. This is about our sacred right to vote, a right that many voters were, sadly, deprived of on November 8th.” Seventy-two percent (72%) of Likely Voters agree with Lake’s statement, including 45% who Strongly Agree. Eighteen percent (18%) disagree, including 13% who Strongly Disagree, while another 10% are not sure.
Looking at the data behind these results, even Democrats materially agreed with these statements.
The Maricopa election was a mess. All of America knows it. The results in that state should never be certified as a result.