BREAKING: Arizona County Republican Chairs Send Letter Calling On Maricopa County Not To Certify Corrupt Midterm Election

Arizona County GOP Chairmembers have united in sending a letter to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, objecting to the certification of the 2022 Midterm Election.

Chair members and representatives from Arizona’s 15  counties, and Arizona GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward, registered their objections to election certification “until such time as the many issues related to the administration of the 2022 General Election are thoroughly investigated, and the potential statutory violations of A.R.S Title 16 are remedied.”

The 2022 Election in Arizona was an uncertifiable mess.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, the Maricopa County crooks will move forward with certification on Monday intentionally, one hour before they must fulfill a subpoena for election records.

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CROOKS AND LIARS: Maricopa County Moves Election Certification to ONE HOUR Before They Were Subpoenaed to Cough Up Election Records

The Gateway Pundit reported on the serious issues in Maricopa County’s General Election on November 8. Due to the incompetence of Maricopa County and Katie Hobbs, tabulators were down, printers ran out of ink, and long, long lines kept Republican voters waiting to cast their ballots. Republican voters were told to drop their ballots into “box 3” to be counted later.

Election experts and election workers later reported that these uncounted ballots were mixed with already counted ballots, leaving no way of knowing if all legal votes were counted!

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Despite this issue occurring at well over 30% of polling locations on election day, Maricopa County officials would have us believe that only 17,000 ballots were affected and dropped into Box 3.

The County admitted to 30% of polling locations having issues, but a new report reveals that over 60% of polling locations were experiencing these anomalies and extreme wait times.

Republicans had at least 72% of the turnout on election day, and this was a deliberate attempt to silence the largest County’s Republican voters.

Maricopa County holds roughly 60% of the state’s registered voters. This was an attack on the entire Arizona Republican Party and America First candidates for statewide office.

The letter from GOP Chair Members states, “Statistically, the certification of an election in a county with 58.7% of the registered voters that experienced widespread, systemic failures disenfranchises the votes cast in the 14 remaining counties in the State of Arizona. Our voters will come to believe if you do not live in Maricopa, there is no need to vote.”

“If Maricopa County and the State of Arizona are allowed to move forward with this blunder of an election lacking in execution and contingency planning, the voters in the outlying counties will, like those in Maricopa County, be effectively disenfranchised and their votes which are their voices will be silenced.”

The letter to Maricopa County lists the election day failures as follows:

Election Day Administration Failures:

  • Multiple failures related to ballot-on-demand (BOD) printers
  • Tabulators experiencing problems reading ballots printed by the BOD printers at between 60and 118 voting locations
  • Lack of training related to the “check-in” “check-out” procedures for e-Pollbooks
  • “Door 3” ballots which Maricopa County failed to adhere to the statutory guidelines insegregating, counting, tabulating, tallying, and transporting of the ballots
  • Failure to reconcile check-ins and ballots cast against check in at the voting locations
  • Erroneous instructions advising ‘checked-in’ voters to vote elsewhere, vote provisionallyelsewhere, drop off a mail ballot- all three of which would result in the voters’ ballots NOT beingcounted
  • Untold numbers of voters giving up and leaving without voting
  • Failure to provide voting materials for the accessible voting machines required by Federal law,which could have been used to allow voting
  • Failure to resolve equipment failures throughout the day and until the end of voting

Read the full letter below.

United Request NOT to Certify FINAL 2022 1125 Maricopa Letter 1 by Jordan Conradson on Scribd

Contact the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and Chairman Bill Gates immediately to make your voice heard.

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