Dr. Shiva Ayyadorai joined The Gateway Pundit to discuss his efforts to uncover the connections between the government and Big Tech working together to censor conservative freedom of speech. He then shared his concerns with the current strategy referred to as a “Limited Hangout” used to cover up his revelations from two years ago.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, and the inventor of email exposes the latest “DHS Leaks” story. Specifically. the DHS Leaks story is VERY OLD NEWS, given Dr. SHIVA exposed the Government Alliance with Big Tech over 2 years ago in his historic Federal Lawsuit.
But Dr. Shiva in this interview takes it a step further and describes the recent response in the news that the government and Big Tech are working together to limit free speech. He labels this response a “Limited Hangout”.
Dr. Shiva was the first to uncover the government’s relationship with Big Tech and the Media in minute detail. He published material on his website where he shows the specific links within this “Big Tech and government infrastructure”.
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Dr. Shiva shows the connections between the government and Big Tech and the media in the diagram below which he first presented in his lawsuit in 2020:
Recently, information has been released in the court case between the states of Missouri and Louisiana with Big Tech (The Gateway Pundit is a lead plaintiff in this case). This information supports the conclusions of Dr. Shiva from two years ago. Dr. Shiva points out that Pierre Omidyar, the founder and funder of The Intercept, is also the funder of the operation between Big-Tech and the government.
The Intercept released an article on this connection between Big Tech and the government this past week. This effort by two far-left writers, Lee Fang and Ken Klippenstein, was acknowledged by Tucker Carlson and others in the media. However, according to Dr. Shiva this entire operation appears to be a Limited Hangout as shown below:
This summary is from the vashiva.com website:
To reiterate, the Intercept’s “DHS Leaks” story is an interception – a plagiarizing, misattribution, prevarication, and manipulation – of the findings from Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai’s (“Dr. SHIVA”) 2020 historic federal lawsuit Ayyadurai v. Twitter, Et Al to serve as a “Limited Hangout” to conceal Pierre Omidyar’s – Intercept’s funder and founder’s – involvement in the funding and creation of the Government & Big Tech Censorship Infrastructure discovered in Dr. SHIVA in his lawsuit over two years ago, and now a limited hangout version of it being reported by the Intercept.
The crooked Intercept flunkies Fang & Klippenstein posing as “Investigative Journalists,” however, have a big problem in executing their big lie of the originality of their work given over 200 million worldwide already knew of Dr. Shiva’s historic findings of the Government & Big Tech Censorship Infrastructure since Dr. SHIVA published hundreds of videos and blog an delivered many lectures and symposiums sharing his findings, as shown above
Additional information can be found about the intelligence operation at the following link here.
Dr. Shiva summarized all this in the below interview.
At the 4:40 mark, Dr. Shiva shares:
It was us two years ago which had discovered what we called the government and Big Tech censorship infrastructure. No one else did it before us. We did it. And it’s shocking because we told Tucker Carlson about it, and I’ll have all the emails, it’s on the site. We told Glenn Greenwald, supposedly the investigative journalist. The ACLU knew about it and they did zippo.
However, they have a problem right now because guys like you and guys like me, independent media, all the videos, all the blog posts, are out there.
So typically what happens when these guys try to plagerize, misattribute, and try to own a narrative, guys like us get squashed because we don’t have the volume, but in this case 200 million people already saw this.
So the point I want to make here is that, it was government, when you go back in 2020 which stole my election in Massachusetts [Dr. Shiva ran for GOP US Senate candidate in the state’s 2020 primary.]
It was the government which ran those machines under the pervue of certification by the National Association of State Election Directors.
It was the government that deplatformed me using this censorship infrastructure on September 25 [2020] for the first time and again on February 1 [2021], a permanent platform when I exposed this infrastructure.
Then when we got into the lawsuit the government wanted me to drop all claims against the government and just be happy when I went back on Twitter which they said would be a historic event. This was in May. And in the May 2021 hearing is when we exposed and there were at least 1,000 people on that zoom lawsuit hearing.
So if Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald didn’t know about that, well then you should remove your monitor as investigative journalists.
Watch the entire interview below: