“Bring it On!” – Kansas Democrat Governor Says She is Excited About the Biden Recession (VIDEO)

Kansas Governor Laura Kelly (D) said she is looking forward the Biden recession.

“And you hear people talking about, you know, a recession coming. Bring it on,” Governor Kelly said.

Easy for Laura Kelly to say because she is collecting a government check.


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The Atlanta Federal Reserve announced on Friday that the second quarter of 2022 saw a GDP of minus 2.1 percent.

The GDP shrank by 1.6 percent in the first quarter of 2022.

As TGP reported previously, the US GDP is on a downturn and has been down with the last all-time high being in October of 2021. That is now more than six months ago.

Recessions are typically marked by an economy shrinking in back-to-back quarters, measured by gross domestic product.

The numbers reported by the Atlanta Fed will make the second quarter of negative growth.

We are in a recession thanks to Joe Biden and the Democrats but Jerome Powell continues to lie about the economy.

Last week Jerome Powell said the US economy is in “strong shape” during his congressional testimony.

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